The Dance of Regeneration: The Activity, Effect and Energy of Fear in Blocking and Slowing Healing

The Brilliance of Our Body/Mind - The Dance of Regeneration
Every emotion has a kinesthetic response. This response travels through the somatic system bringing with it a cascade of reactions & chemicals that affects every single cell.
When we have suffered a trauma through illness or accident and are trying to heal, our tendency is to try to return to what we were before the trauma, accident or illness. But we are not that person anymore. We change every day and now we have a new set of experiences being integrated on multiple levels; physically, mentally, emotionally, kinesthetically. Each time we try to go back to what we were, each time we feel the fear that we will never be what we were, we unintentionally slow the process as if we were walking backwards. It is the processing and acknowledging of the grief and loss of what we had or were that promotes and supports the healing. The shift from fear to hope, or the choice to trust and explore what we are in the present moment of our healing porcess, actually calls forth and empowers our systems in ways we have not yet imagined. The body/mind is very busy adapting and regenerating. When we are focusing all our energy, our emotions, our thoughts and feelings on re-creating what we used to be before the trauma, injury or illness, confusion is created in a very brilliant system that is quite busy regenerating itself. What we were before, is part of our past history and experience. It is no longer active except cellular and emotional memory. Each moment we are creating new memories in the system. If we are focused on what was and not what is and what is trying to be, we can easily miss all the healing that is happening. And even so, the body /mind is brilliantly healing in spite of us. Asking for what we were before or fearing we will not be what we were before actually creates dams or obstacles in the system. Fear creates contraction and contraction slows the flow of both the energy and the movement that is required for both tissue and consciousness to heal.
You are not only what you were before, you are something new, unique and incredible. Healing is celebration and gratitude, trust and respect for a system designed to regenerate and what can be a most brilliant partner in healing and creating the newly formed you to emerge.
 It is a new song, and a new dance and in some way a new instrument. Containing all your memories, all your experiences, the intricate map of consciousness that is you, is, moment by moment creating new uncharted territory to live in and explore.
While we may grieve and need to grieve the loss of what we were, the choice to welcome and explore our own natural and innate healing process is empowering, fulfilling process that makes what may seem impossible possible.


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