

Kate Rose - Holistic Equine Empath

"The Horse Listener"

Hands on Healing for Horse

 Kate Rose is an Equine Empath offering her unique gifts healing Humans, Horses and the Earth. Combining her almost 40 years of Private Practice and teaching of Holistic Healing & Movement Integration in the US, Europe & the Middle East, her skill and knowledge in multiple modalities of natural healing with her understanding and knowledge of anatomy, the nervous system, the long term effects of trauma & repetitive stress combined with her unique and highly developed ability to feel and understand feeling, she has created a highly effective method of communicating, listening to, working with and healing these beautiful animals. She skillfully communicates directly and clearly with every horse she touches, creating realignment, equilibrium, relief from pain and injury and effecting the patterns that are inherent in injury and illness.

Kate has worked healing horses in New York State, Virginia, The Netherlands & Italy. She spent 11 years living in Italy & the South of France . She has never met a horse she has not fallen in love with.


"My 22 year old retired racehorse Sammy was diagnosed with a hairline fracture. Kate helped me work to heal it. My vet was absolutely astonished to see his progress and admitted she had expected to have to put him down. Yesterday, as I watched him cantering around the pasture in the autumn sunshine, I felt a glow of joy and gratitude for Kate's work with him. I am convinced she saved his life."

Kristl Spalding, Fern Hill Farm, Red Creek, N.Y.

Kate paid us a visit and she connected with every single horse. It was beautiful to watch. She stood in the field by herself. The horses, about 15 of them, were some distance away. One by one, each of the horses walked over and greeted her. In all my years of caring for horses, I have never seen anything like it. 

R. M.   - White Rock Manor, Lexington, VA


“An Amazing Healing”

Healing Ziva, My OTTB

Kate Rose offered to demonstrate her healing method on my Thoroughbred (OTTB) mare named Ziva. I am open minded to alternative treatments and therapies, but what transpired blew my mind wide open!

Ziva came to me with some left over issues from her time at the track, both real physical issues and, also real, emotional anxiety.

She was a sprinter, running and winning at distances of or less than 6 furlongs.

This short distance requires the horse to leap out of the starting gate to gain a competitive edge. Because of this Ziva carried a lot of tension in her SI joint and pelvis. She also would flip out if I asked her to halt while riding. I began to associate the command “ Whoa ” with heightened anxiety on her part. She would run backwards, half rear, chew on the bit, toss her head...all behaviors I did not enjoy and actually were frightening. Although she is sound she was reluctant to pick up her right lead.

    Kate got in touch with me and offered to work on Ziva. I told her nothing about my mare. Kate calmly went into the stall and introduced herself to Ziva. 

    She slowly ran her hands over her body, starting at her head and working her along her barrel to her butt. 

At this point Kate looks at me and says, “Oh, this sweet girl has so much tension in her pelvis. Her groin and SI are all bound up and twisted. “ Kate then worked on Ziva to encourage her to let go of the soreness and tightness and “find” the length in her spine again and the suppleness throughout her hip.

    At the end of the session (and I kick myself 

daily for not having video taped this), Ziva 

stepped her front hooves forward slowly, step by step, until she was able to drop her barrel down, almost putting her girth area in the shavings and lifted her hips up into a “downward dog” that would make any yogi proud! She relished in this stretch and then slowly stood back up and came right over and nuzzled Kate and then pulled her 

into a horsey hug. I know! I wish I had it all on video!

     Kate has worked on a Ziva three times and she now not only halts quietly when I ask, but she is so proud of her halt that we often just stop and have a look around or a nibble of grass while trail riding.

     Because of Kate I now have a lovely riding horse. Before Kate I am not sure I would have been able to get to a place where I felt comfortable riding my OTTB.

    Kate has also worked on several other horses on my farm and every time she literally works magic. What she does seems so simple, and yet gets profound results. I am so happy I have a true horse communicator and healer as part of my team. The best part is that unlike a visit from the Veterinarian, the horses absolutely love and look forward to a visit from Kate Rose.

Rosanna McMillan
White Rock Manor,
Lexington, VA
(This is not Ziva, but is exactly what she did after her 1st session with Kate Rose)


Healing Horses with Kate Rose

 Kate Rose offered to “lay her hands” on my Off the Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) mare named Ziva. I am open minded to alternative treatments and therapies, but what transpired blew my mind wide open!
Ziva came to me with some left over issues from her time at the track, both real physical issues and, also real, emotional anxiety.
She was a sprinter, running and winning at distances of or less than 6 furlongs.
This short distance requires the horse to leap out of the starting gate to gain a competitive edge. Because of this Ziva carried a lot of tension in her SI joint and pelvis. She also would flip out if I asked her to halt while riding, I began to associate the command “ whoa” with heightened anxiety on her part. She would run backwards, half rear, chew on the bit, toss her head...all behaviors I did not enjoy and actually were frightening. Although she is sound she was reluctant to pick up her right lead.
Kate got in touch with me and offered to work on Ziva. I told her nothing about my mare. Kate calmly went into the stall and introduced herself to Ziva. She slowly ran her hands over her body, starting at her head and working her along her barrel to her butt. At this point Kate looks at me and says, “ Oh, this sweet girl has so much tension in her pelvis. Her groin and SI is all bound up and twisted. “
Kate then worked on Ziva to encourage her to let go of the soreness and tightness and “find” the length in her spine again and the suppleness throughout her hip.
At the end of the session ( and I kick myself daily for not having video taped this), Ziva stepped her front hooves forward slowly, step by step, until she was able to drop her barrel down , almost putting her girth area in the shavings and lifted her hips up into a downward dog that would make any yogi proud! She relished in this stretch and then slowly stood back up and came right over and nuzzled Kate and then pulled her into a horsey hug. I know I wish I had it all on video!
Kate has worked on a Ziva twice and she now not only halts quietly when I ask,  but she is proud of her halt that we often just stop and have a look around or a nibble of grass while trail riding. Because of Kate I now have a lovely riding horse. Before Kate I am not sure I would have been able to get to a place where I felt comfortable riding my OTTB.
She has also worked on several other horses on my farm and every time she literally works magic. What she does is so simple yet gets profound results. I am so happy I have a true horse communicator and healer as part of my team. The best part is that unlike a visit from the Veterinarian, the horses absolutely love and look forward to a visit from Kate Rose.

Rosanna McMillan
White Rock Manor
Lexington, VA



 Empathic Energetics Healings with Kate Rose

Zoom & Phone Appointments Available

With her extraordinary gift as a full Empath, Kate will give you a Personal Empathic Reading identifying the core issues that need balancing, clearing, and healing. 
Kate can perceive, identify, translate, effect change and activate all feelings that need to be healed on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. She opens the doorway to empowered choice, teaching simple and gentle ways to heal the patterns and traumas that weigh you down, realigning your system and consciousness with your innate ability to heal and regenerate. Kate reconnects you with your health, creativity, power and imagination.
The Choice to Feeltm is The Choice to Heal.

Kate Rose is a Holistic Empath, a Fully Empathic Intuitive Healer, an Equine Empath, Flower Essence Practitioner & a Tragerwork Master Teacher. She is the  creator of Functional Empathy Somaticstm, The Somandalatm Process, ImagineHealingtm & the RoseAngelistm Quantum Flower Essence Remedies. She has practiced & taught Holistic Healing for over 35 years throughout Europe, the U.S. & the Middle East. Her work includes healing Humans, Horses and the Earth.  She has combined her unique & highly developed ability to feel, understand & translate feelings & emotions with  her 35+ years of international teaching & healing creating a simple, highly refined, powerfully effective method. With her understanding & knowledge of the human body, emotions, energy systems & anatomy, she skillfully communicates directly & clearly,

affecting change, creating empowerment & profound healing.

RoseAngelis Remedies Quantum Flower Essences

Flower Essence Remedies are Vibrational Medicines that support, balances and heal our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits.  Flower Essence Remedies give us the opportunity to connect with Mother Nature and She with us instantaneously. They hold the vibrational resonance frequencies of the power of healing in Nature, with Nature, in a bottle.  You could describe them as Bottled Light.  They access qualities of our consciousness on multiple levels. They are not habit-forming in the same way drugs are and tend to be self-regulating. In other words, one takes them and as that part of us that needs support and healing is stimulated through the essence, the need for it ends of its own accord.
 Addressing the concern of dependency, I offer this:  if you are going to depend, so to speak on something, depending on something that raises your vibration is a good choice. Like Gratitude. Can you say you are dependent on Gratitude? And if you are, is that harmful? No, because it raises the consciousness, stimulates the heart and soul, and moves us out of our analytical mind and into Spirit. 
 These are subtle, vibrational tools. I have found the best way to use them is to give them and allow the person themselves to notice what is happening.
If you can - imagine it this way. There is darkness or blockage inside us in the form of pain or fear or resistance, etc., etc. The Flower Essence  Remedy is a drop of light that calls to all the other drops of light that are in us. When you take one, the light is dropped into you and begins to spread helping to dispel the darkness and fear. It brings balance. It is your own light responding to a drop of light from nature.
The RoseAngelis Remedies are magnificent gifts from Mother Nature, Gaia, the Angels, and Devas. I am awed by their power and effectiveness. It is a joy to offer them to the world for the healing of all.

The RoseAngelis Remedies
"Flower Essences and How to Take Them"
Flower Essences are infusions of freshly harvested organic flower blossoms gently set into a bowl of Spring Water, potentized by the Light of the Sun, and stabilized with brandy or organic vinegar. They contain no perfume & are not essential oils. Similar to Homeopathy, Flower essences are self-regulating & and can never cause any harm. Just as a beautiful meadow of flowers gives you a feeling of happiness, a flower essence allows you to both have that feeling with each flower affecting a different emotion and offering the gentlest way to balance emotion and support healing.
~How to take Flower Essence Remedies~
This RoseAngelis™ Remedy contains 1/2 oz. of the undiluted Flower Essence. Suggested dosage:Take 3 drops in a glass of Spring Water 3 x a day. Of course you can simply follow your own intuition and increase or decrease the dosage. 

Birdsfoot Trefoil – Lotus Corniculatus
A remedy for Highly Sensitive People - "The Empath's Remedy"
Birdsfoot Trefoil says:  “I can bring balance to your body”
Clears  false illusions about body image

Connects heart and throat chakras, For Anorexia & Bulimia
The Physical and Emotional Effects:
Subtle, gentle and soothing, Birdsfoot Trefoil Remedy addresses issues that carry strong emotions in a gentle way that cradles and soothes the emotion while supporting the balance in healing it.
For those who feel they are carrying around “the weight of the world”, translated into extra body weight or into extreme lack of body weight.
Birdsfoot Trefoil soaks up and clears negative body image. For those who have never felt comfortable in their body for whatever reason, have been called hypersensitive, outsiders, for people who have always been different, and have been judged or criticized for that difference.
It can connect one with the “grief of embodiment.
This remedy supports the clearing of old, held kinesthetic memories, it affects and helps balance the memories of childhood physical trauma, lighting it up and then clearing it.
One can experience a lifting of veils in the mind and feel the body as beautiful and wondrous. It is like looking in the mirror and no matter which way you look you perceive your beauty.
The signature of this essence is its gentleness.

Specific detailed information from Birdsfoot Trefoil on Anorexia & Eating Disorders:
     Anorexia's vibrational signature is that of a parasitic invasion of consciousness translated to somatic reality. Similar to an entity, anorexia has a parasitic consciousness. It functions in one's consciousness in a similar way that a virus or a bacteria functions in the body in that it both travels and grows.
    The Vibrational signature of eating disorders are of invasive negative perceptions of self.
There is an inability to see oneself clearly and a false image is projected inwardly; self-perpetuating, anorexia is like a reactive virus. With each mental or emotional reaction of self-hatred, self-judgment, etc., the “virus “spreads, saturating the consciousness and resonating through the physical system.
This remedy opens the door to receiving food and nourishment from allies rather than enemies.

The Energetic:  Lighting up the cells:  On an energetic level, Birdsfoot Trefoil Essence
Lights up the “dark” places or shadows in the cells. Energetic shadows in the cells are pieces of consciousness, that overlay the energy of the cell and create an imprint that is connected to, in this case, eating disorders, self-image, and stored physical trauma.
These shadows, once created are like or act like a virus or fungus, continuing to spread and grow and saturate the cells and thus the consciousness. It zeroes in the core imprint at the moment of creation/the moment the consciousness accepts the thought-feeling experience etc.

    This vibrational signature affects the vision center in the brain connecting both to physical vision and a sense of Self-worth. One can look in a mirror and will simply not be able to see the actual reflection but only the reflection in the mind, which is always “wrong, bad, ugly,” etc.
    From the perspective of consciousness, anorexia is not just an eating disorder, it is a state of consciousness that denies nurturing, that “starves” an essential part of oneself.

Anorexia: the denial of nurture/nurturing
Bulimia: the refusal to receive, and integrate – a rejection of life, an inability to digest living

This essence carries the feeling of fragile round softness/beauty.
Positive: clearing, clarity of vision, inner and outer.

Related image  
Black Eyed Susan ~ A truly wonderful remedy that offers the feeling of effervescence, energy, and joy. Black Eyed Susan tunes one into pure creative force. This essence connects one with confidence, intention, power, and forward motion. If you are feeling stuck, this essence carries the quality of grounded positivity, healthy ambition, anticipation & inner strength. It is both clearing and balancing, holding the vibration of honor, integrity, and inclusion. Creating for the good of all. Creating from an awareness of the effects on the whole. Can aid in the transformation of depression, of doubt into confidence.

Blue Salvia
The signature of this Flower Essence is “A Carpet of Higher Consciousness”.
Embodied Aspiration. One pointed wisdom, reaching to the sky like a spiritual antenna.
It supports one in the feeling of being connected to the expanded, larger, wider, bigger than me awareness “in spite of my own smaller mind". Blue Salvia acts to clarify the mind. It offers the experience of feeling a tangible difference between the “small mind” and the “big mind” without judgment, just awareness, activating the experience of choice. With this essence one can experience the sensation of being inside aspiration.
Radiating the Violet Ray, it gives access to the power of forgiveness and the power of letting go. It can connect us with what it feels like to aspire. 
Blue Salvia enhances one's focus for meditation and acts as a centering force.

COSMOS/Cosmos bipinnatus   

Joy! Joy! Joy!

What I see & Feel testing the essence: First I see the flower blossom in my mind's eye, then I see it overlayed on each chakra. Balances the chakras by getting them moving in the same direction .

Love with a golden heart”

Immediate access to a higher consciousness. Uplifts focus and awareness.

Huge expansion, felt mostly from 4th Chakra and up

3 and down are all quiet

Joy! Joy! Joy !

Moving from emotional heart to spiritual heart

Heart and 3rd eye

The power of vision and compassion, combined, steadiness

Stimulates the 3rd eye

It almost “demands” expansion

One can feel one's limits or edges

Clarity in speech, simple, direct. The feeling of clear communication. How to be succinct.

Knowing the value of one's voice.

Addresses control issues. Clarifies the feeling and nature of control, as it offers expansion it also meets the limits and the limits are felt more strongly. Can bring objective awareness to one's limits/limiting beliefs; the self imposed limits few create for a variety of reasons. This essence brings them to light to enable choice.

Challenges the ego. Cosmic Consciousness /Cosmos Consciousness. Wide awareness.

Very strong feeling in the heart.

As if the 3rd eye lets one see/ perceive the issues that confine/restrict/control one's expansion

The ego can feel “attacked” ( those moments in life of gnosis, when we know with something deeper that although we might feel exposed, it is our deeper self calling to us.

The feeling in the heart is of comfort and softness. While exposing or lighting up the limits of one's ego identification, it comforts one and softens the message.

Where we perceive from utterly affects our experience/reality.

Perceiving the “root””perspective/ belief

Image result for forgetmenot
Forget Me Not ~ Mother Nature says "Forget Me Not!" This Remedy connects us with and opens a door into Nature, reminding us and teaching us that as a species we are forgetting Nature as a partner and a guide. Forget Me Not Essence supports the entry into the Presence of Nature and a part of ourselves we may have disconnected from or forgotten. In addition to simply enjoying Nature, we can, with this essence, experience being inside Nature and Nature being inside us. It connects us with Mother Nature and through receptivity to the connection supported by this essence, one can begin to participate with Nature in a new way. For anyone who wants to deepen their connections with, understanding of and relationship with Mother Earth, and to learn to work in full cooperation with Her, this essence opens the door.
A Remedy for listening, and perceiving, the Forget Me Not Essence supports opening to new ways of hearing and learning. For people who feel limited by their present path in life, this essence supports us to expand pure consciousness in new directions, to drop limiting beliefs, to open to what may be right in front of us, waiting to be seen and heard.
The Essence of making what seems invisible seen and heard.

 Orange Hawkweed ~ A feminine, sweet yet powerful warrior. One who knows when to bristle. Orange Hawkweed accesses the wisdom of knowing how and when to use your power.  It offers the simplicity of being and has a centering focus.  It tells us to "Stand Tall ". This essence supports us to set clear boundaries, to trust our "gut" feeling, our discriminating awareness, and our natural " Crap Detector"!
 It brings us the reflection of independence & self-worth.
Pliny believed that hawks fed on it to strengthen their eyesight.

 DEPTFORD PINK – The Self- Worth Essence- “Don't be fooled by my size!”
Deptford Pink essence is about self worth and valuenot comparing oneself but feeling one's inner value clearly. Self worth in the face of criticism. It is the light itself that holds the key and the power. Even a tiny speck of light dispels the darkness and the smallest kind action or thought affects the whole. This essence teaches us about flourishing where we are planted.
My bright color is the balance of my size.” Shine your light- size does not matter in any realm
I am so beautiful in my smallness that all eyes are drawn to me”. Deptford Pink - A star that lives on the Earth.
Deptford Pink Essence activates our inner gentleness, relaxation, singing, playfulness & childlike innocence.

Deptford Pink Essence brings an awareness of the power of cooperation and inter-species communication.
This is the Essence of Self Worth. It activates your deep inner knowing that you are is important, unique, important and crucial to the wholeness of all, even if it seems to be in a tiny corner of life, it is all about the Beauty in hidden corners.
How a tiny drop of color changes the whole landscape” Your voice, your words and your being are that tiny drop of color shining like a star in the milky way.
You have all the the power of a star. Just as a star shines it lights as the nature of its being, so does Deptford Pink supports us to know that our individuality is our right and needs to be shone, not judged.
The Deptford Pink Flower Essence Remedy brings us into a childlike consciousness of play for play's sake, and joy for joy's sake.

Delphinium -  Rebirth or second chances, a second flowering. This is an essence for projects that may come later in life or are not thought of as important or real enough.
Delphinium Essence supports trusting your intuitive creativity when you think you have already blossomed, inspiring you to “put out another bloom” in spite of the season. For anyone who feels discouraged about the value of their self-expression.When one feels discouraged about getting older and life “passing you by”, Delphinium essence helps us to re-connect with our creative forces, to feel positivity and excitement again about our ideas and aspirations. It helps us see the value and depth of our experience and how it can imbue our creations with depth and fullness.The “I can do it” remedy.
The essence Delphinium brings us into connection with our spine as the main support of our body. It brings a sense of strength and tallness.
Delphinium has a water signature and brings to us an inner stillness, that is quiet, soothing and restful like deep water. A deep, deep, deep blueness. Balance. In the way that water becomes still and reflective, it enhances the “climb” towards stillness, just as one can throw a pebble in a pond and then slowly watch the ripples fade to still water, this essence supports the inner patience required to find one's stillness. This essence enhances breathing and the senses bringing an awareness of the 5 senses, taste smell, hearing, touch, sight. It is an emotional cleanser and clearer. It can bring one to awareness of what creates balance, just as the florets are balanced on the spine/stalk of the plant. It is a consciousness-raiser and brings awareness of community and the balance of power required to function as a community.This is a good essence for people working with hands-on healing, as it can augment receptive awareness.Delphinium is Royal Flower and carries a high frequency in its color & luminescence.

False Dandelion - “Clean Sweep” The False Dandelion Remedy roots out old patterns that are stuck or “glued” in the “bodies” ( physical, mental, emotional, energetic). If one has a block that is very long term, this remedy both helps to loosen it up or “de-stickify” it.
False Dandelion Essence both loosens and un-sticks old grime, negative energies, and long term unconscious patterns that constrict and restrict our growth and healing. Once loosened it supports internal cleansing. This is a remedy one can take over a long period of time, to support the clearing of old deep patterns. It affects the holding of “old stories”. If you are working with transforming old patterns that are the result of deep held beliefs, contracts, covenants, or vows that are worn out and no longer serve you, False Dandelion will support you to release and clear these patterns on multiple levels allowing and supporting a comprehensive clearing of your system and consciousness.
Its nature and signature is transmuting dark into Light. Internal transmutation, with waves of 
electromagnetic energy. It is a catalyst and can be described as a catalytic converter.
False Dandelion Essence creates a clearing that happens in the unconscious, pushing the old and the dark out. It is extremely helpful with self doubt and fear of change.
It brings joy and warmth, relaxes the heart, stimulates the thyroid & throat chakra, “ “Gives Voice”.
This is a useful remedy to use when setting an intention.

Purpose and Effect on the Earth: False Dandelion, sometimes called Cat's Ear, looks like a miniature , tall dandelion and functions like a tiny satellite dish radiating waves of electromagnetic force that both feeds and clears the earth.
They act as response to the poisoning of the Earth through chemicals. The signature of False Dandelion is Calm, Golden Sunlight, Breath and a Cushion of Healing Energy.
The damaging of the ozone layer is affecting photosynthesis. This flower photosynthesizes and then sends out an electro-magnetic pulse continually that helps balance and support the earth.

Feverfew – This is a remedy of new beginnings. Clearing out the past. Spring after winter. As a fever burns out disease from the body, Feverfew Essence acts like a “cold fever”. A brisk wind that blows out the old to make room for the new. It assists us as we pass through difficult times of change. It is a remedy of completion and new beginnings. If you are trying to release the old forms or patterns, relationships and habits in your life and to enter a new path, Feverfew essence supports us in being courageous and willing to take the step into a fresh new life. A Transition Remedy, Feverfew can also be used to support the dying process.

It is a flower/plant of protection and sustenance.

Golden Yarrow- Deeply relaxing as it changes unconscious hyper-vigilance into the feeling of being encased in a golden cocoon of safety and protection. Feeling enclosed in a second skin. For empaths, HSP or anyone whose nerve endings feel too close to the surface, it offers not only the feeling of protection but of impenetrable armor of golden shining light. Things "bounce "off it. Your strength stays with you. Golden Yarrow activates an extra layer of shielding. One can move easily through the world inside a golden shield. It is excellent for people who tend to leak energy, always giving their more energy than they are receiving. For people who consciously or unconsciously pour energy, life force, and emotions into others without keeping anything for oneself and often burning out even on a daily or hourly basis.
Golden Yarrow helps support balanced giving, inner equilibrium and the replenishment that naturally occurs in a system with intact boundaries that is continually recycling its energy and life force(Prana).

When taken with White Yarrow and Pink Yarrow Remedies one has “The Ultimate Protection Remedy.”

Goldenrod - The Goldenrod Flower Essence stimulates an awareness of defined pathways within the intersecting multidimensional planes of “is-ness”, infinite potential realities and unlimited possibilities. This essence creates a tangible experience and magnification of the intersecting multi -dimensional planes of possibility.
There are lines of light or planes, infinite hanging planes, moving, floating in infinite space – geometric planes.
Goldenrod Essence defines these planes, by making them tangible, and demonstrates or guides one into a clear understanding of the fluid nature of creating and the action of precise fluidity.

As one is able to perceive these planes, one can use the Goldenrod Essence to support conscious focus of this phenomenon. This essence assists one in choosing or selecting creation on the subtle plane before causality, or the linear dimension of reality, before it becomes a material structure.
The “planes” exist all the time and appear to be floating or moving in infinite space, perpetually. Each plane represents an infinite possibility and every plane is affected by the others; the angles simply shift position and direction as cause and effect affect their movements. There is no emotion here, only pure cause and effect. 
Goldenrod Essence gives one an experience of infinite reality, experiencing the Universe as geometric planes of continuous movement.
This is an essence for people with or desiring a focused intention. It invites one into a deeply meditative state as it shifts one into a natural detachment from emotion into “ is-ness” in movement.
No desire, no pain, just pure defined and undefined being.
The “ planes” meet and affect each other and keep moving, only the angles change.
Goldenrod gives you the ability to perceive this reality and once perceived the Golden Light can be added to a plane, at some point it turns back into Light. Each plane represents pure, infinite undefined possibility and potential. You can “ name “ a plane with for instance your intention, then name another plane “You”, then bring both planes together as one and bring them “down” into materiality.
The image is of infinite hanging flat planes. Like geometric one dimensional flat rectangles, floating in infinite space in a reality of pure "is-ness". They could be referred to as multidimensional planes of pure intention. There is no desire, just pure being, and pure unlimited potential & possibilities.
 Goldenrod both defines the planes by making them tangible and demonstrates not only the fluid nature of creation but the nature of precise fluidity.
One can use the essence, or your own mind and imagination to infuse a plane with golden light, " light it up". Then you can actually name a plane with the principle of what is you wish to create, name another as yourself, bring the "planes/shapes/flat rectangles" together. Merge them together with the feeling that you are matching frequencies/ vibrations, and imagine the combines new plane as coming "down" through a vibratory reality into a physical reality. Bring it right into your body/mind/spirit.Then let the Universe show you your new reality through the integration of this new vibratory creation in you.
This is what I call the Alice Through the Looking Glass method of creation. One creates from the subtle planes and brings into form what already exists. We tend to block creation by trying to figure it all out from the how to end of the mind.
The” planes” appear to be the first level of manifestation before or in a subtle reality of space and time, where space and time are the same. Goldenrod brings one into the awareness of Quantum Space Time and Special Relativity.

Using Goldenrod Essence for the Physical Body:

For the body it has to do with shooting golden light ( Soma). It raises consciousness, and is like clear kundalini.  It enhances perception of the body as an energetic vessel or container. And as an energetic container one can perceive the effects of Golden Light in and throughout the system.
To feel this quality of being or is-ness and nothing else is a deeply peaceful experience.Golden Light, Joy, Bursts of Golden Energy“ I am a harbor of the sun”, I am the Power of Golden Light.
Goldenrod Essence is a consecration. It is deeply calming. The ultimate “AM” remedy without the “I” .

This is also a remedy of Peace. In the absence of all, there lies peace. Peace and is-ness.The Peace of Is-ness. Goldenrod is Peace Remedy bringing us a deep sense of inner peace as it brings the consciousness into awareness of “just being,” it activates the movement and desire towards the level of consciousness where peace resides.

The essence itself augments the perceptions that are already available to all of us.

Lisianthus - Happiness, Contentment, Self Acceptance. This essence could be described as a heart healer. (the emotional heart). The Lisianthus Flower Essence Remedy connects us with our inner strength, inner goodness, our true nature. The place inside us where we know that “I am enough”. It makes the present moment both accessible and inviting. We can experience self acceptance as a natural way of being, finding a place of an inner stillness, that feels like the essence of a deep relieved sigh. Brings awareness of the breath and deepens it. Lisianthus says, “I know that I am.” An essence that relieves worry.


Pink Hydrangea – When the harshness of the world seems overwhelming, Pink Hydrangea Essence makes it softer, as if you are looking out a different window, one you might not know is there. This essence envelopes one in a soft tone of quietude. It carries the Feminine and can help someone who has only known harshness. It is a good remedy for healing trauma of abuse.

Pink Hydrangea  has the energy of a tree, in the astral world it is a tree). It carries the energy of Angels and the Feminine. Bringing us into an awareness of the veils between the 2 worlds: what we as human beings, perceive or assume the world is and  the reality of how Nature perceives itself. This essence supports gaining the awareness of the “otherness” of Nature's Nature herself, not nature as we humans make it to be. 

Pink Hydrangea essence can teach us to respect and honor nature, it activates our inner natural reverence allowing us to both see and feel deeper qualities in Nature, re-connecting us with the natural world.
Pink Hydrangea Essence is about tones of transformation, what “note” am I singing? Helping us to find inner harmony, through being “tuned”.

This essence helps us by expand by moving one beyond a standard set of beliefs.
It is all about the limits of belief. The size of your belief is the size of your reality.
Because it is so otherworldly, it gives us a peek or a glimpse into a more refined quality of consciousness.
Grace and gracefulness, it carries a deeply Feminine Energy.

 Phlox Drummondi – The Ethereal Feminine – This Flower Essence Remedy carries the energy of our “inner butterflies.”

It supports a lightness of mind that allows us to experience “flights of fancy” in the form of ideas, possibilities, and awareness of options. 

A cleaner and cleanser of what one might experience as dark or negative feelings and energies that we can carry unconsciously.  It is uplifting, with the quality of beauty and gentleness that we see in a butterfly.

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Purple Queen Anne's Lace – Grief, comfort, alignment, uplifting. This is a  remedy that works with our grief.  Of all the emotions, I have found that grief is not negotiable. Often times people try to offer comfort by saying, "It will get better." It will definitely change, but "better", I find is an odd word to use when it comes to grief. Grief is not controllable, you cannot make it go away. It comes in waves, and just as the ocean has different tides, storms and tsunamis, so does grief. Purple Queen Anne's Lace supports objectivity, which is a hard thing to come by when we are in the throes of grief. Its gift to us is in creating a moment of space, almost an extra breath when we cannot find our own.  One can feel oneself standing at a bit of a distance from the overwhelm of the moment and a sense that possibilities exist. It blends intuition with action, supporting the balance and integration of the Feminine. Purple Queen Anne's Lace eases grief, uplifts the heart, the vision brightens, we have a feeling of ”looking up”. This essence softens the experience of the outer world when we are feeling vulnerable. When one feels overloaded or the consciousness seems weighted in one direction and it is hard to move the mind, emotions and energy, Purple Queen Anne's Lace assists in lifting us into a wider and lighter perspective. It helps relieve sadness and depression, helps one to feel “I am not alone.”

Sweet William-  this essence offers fullness where it was empty and is quite soothing. 

From the Flower:
I am a million eyes seeing the inter-connectedness of all things. I create soft edges of integration.

For community: 
 “I am the pathway supporting the template of integration; soft integration. My sweetness, is both in my fragrance and my signature is the balance of the masculine and the feminine.”
Sweet William supports the acceptance of differences. It shows us how we are stronger as a unit, yet beautiful on our own.

For situations where opposing sides cannot come to agreement, Sweet William is a pathway to “fragrant compromise”, meaning that no one feels they have lost and the compromise supports both sides equally. Sweet William is the mediator. Stimulates the consciousness or awareness of the possibility of equal compromise. It is a peacemaker's remedy.

The outer edge of each individual blossom is a “feather”- soft, sweet, soldiers for peace. As you travel further inward, it becomes more defined and one finds points, these are the specifics.

So, Sweet William allows one to gently enter into communication or even observation and then with understanding, move into detail and structure. It supports the understanding of that structure, while creating a soft space or edge to rest in.

For situations where there is a tendency or pattern or expectation of disharmony, Sweet William supports finding harmony. Being whole while respecting and celebrating differences. Part of the Peace remedies.

The RoseAngelis Remedies
 " The Combination Essences"

The Alchemy of Combined Essences
Each Flower has its own signature and offers a unique healing gift. When the essences are combined each flower offers a specific quality in harmony with all the others, alchemically creating a new essence with a very specific focus. Like an orchestra, each Flower offers a note to create a new song of healing empowering our own natural capacity to heal.


Hope ~ This essence embodies the many elements & qualities of Hope, connecting us with our inner strength & intuition. It gives us the feeling that there is always another possibility on the horizon.Widening our awareness when we feel hopeless, it helps us see the beauty and interconnectedness of all things with a sense of childlike wonder.

Inspiration  ~ The Inspiration E ssence supports us in trusting our intuitive creativity, connecting us with the pure creative force.A joyful infusion of spiritual awareness inviting us to connect with a larger consciousness, experience a wider mind, clear thoughts and multiple perspectives, opening to doorway to inspiration. Inspiration ~ This essence supports us in trusting our intuitive creativity, connecting us with the pure creative force.A joyful infusion of spiritual awareness inviting us to connect with a larger consciousness, experience a wider mind, clear thoughts and multiple perspectives, opening to doorway to inspiration.

Self Esteem ~ This essence supports us in feeling the deep inner knowing that we are each unique, valuable and indeed crucial to to the wholeness of all. It inspires us to both discover and stand tall in our sense of self worth. Feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that has made us who we are. Knowing the value of one's voice. Self Esteem ~ This essence supports us in feeling the deep inner knowing that we are each unique, valuable and indeed crucial to to the wholeness of all.It inspires us to both discover and stand tall in our sense of self worth. Feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that has made us who we are. Knowing the value of one's voice.

Inner Peace  ~ The peace of pure being, centering, inside aspiration, joy & comfort, soothing, heart center, resting inside a golden cocoon, inner equilibrium, deeply centering inner quiet, balance ,inner peace, alignment, spiritual heart, refined consciousness, quietude, peacemaker, contentment, inner stillness.

Ultimate Protection  ~ White, Pink & Golden Yarrow. Combining the gifts of these 3 Yarrow Flowers, The Ultimate Protections Remedy combines the elements of Ultimate Protection - this essence brings together all the energies of the Yarrows and their power to protect on multiple levels. White Yarrow, our general umbrella of protection strengthening boundaries and letting the feelings and energies of others pour like rain off an umbrella. Pink Yarrow , the psychic sponge remedy , offering an enhancement of the filters that keep us from absorbing everyone's feelings. Golden Yarrow, the Golden Cocoon of Protection. We now have Ultimate Protection.

Energizer ~ A shot of energy! A remedy that carries the feeling of effervescence, and power of the breath. Renews energy with childlike wonder and playfulness. A transfusion of pure life force. This essence offers gifts from Nature through the flowers connecting us with the Earth. It is invigorating and energizing. Caffeine without coffee!

I Love My Body~ A gentle , soothing balancer, bringing our awareness to the wonder of our bodies. Self Acceptance, gracefulness, grounding. Brings peace and hope to our struggles with our bodies and whatever conditions have created a challenging, difficult or painful relationship with our physical body. Invigoration hope, opens the doorway to healing through self-acceptance and the power of self love.

Clearing ~ Purifying, cleansing, clearing of energies gathered or absorbed in daily life. Invigoration, lifts us into clearer vision, clears emotions, stimulates joy. Excellent for practitioners of healing modalities in clearing collected energies of clients. For Highly sensitive people and empaths. For anyone who feels overwhelmed by the gathered weight of daily life. A cleansing shower, a clean sweep, from foggy to clear.

Comfort  ~  The Essence of Comfort. A calming gentle combination that gives us the feeling of being enveloped, embraced, help & supported. As if we are gently immersed in a quiet blue lake, bringing us a sense of relief. Helpful during times of grief.

Courage  ~ In moments when we need to connect with the place inside us that helps us go forward in spite of our fears, difficulties, griefs and obstacles, the Courage Essence helps us connect with that place. To feel the many different kinds of courage: the courage to begin again; the courage to take the first step into change; to feel confidence, faith in ourselves, faith in something bigger than ourselves; the power to stand strong in the midst of the fear and challenges.

Calm ~ The Calm Essence carries the frequency of stillness, centering, heart's ease; the awareness of the stability of interconnectedness, peace & quietude. For those moments in life when the noise and bustle of the world seems overwhelming, for moments when the fiery emotions need gentling.

Joy ~ The Joy Remedy carries the frequency and energy of of joy. Lighting up the place inside us where joy lives, this essence connects us to the many elements of joy reminding us to be grateful for joy and that gratitude always opens the door to more and more joy, laughter, buoyancy, happiness and wonder.