
The Empath Series: Dancing with the Drama

"Dancing with the Drama"
  Empathic Dilemmas  & Options

In my role as an Empathic Healer one question I am always asked by other empaths and highly sensitive people is, "Why do I get so drained around people?" 

Because we, as Empaths, feel so deeply it can be an automatic reflex to immediately enter someone else's drama and to experience their reality. We then become part of the drama itself and can be unaware that we are feeding it rather than offering healing to it. In my experience healing is all about balance. Something is out of balance and needs to find its path back to balance. Once in balance, everything that is needed for its healing can express itself and move towards fuller and more complete balance, equilibrium and health on multiple levels.

The drama has a lot of energy and action. It is full of emotion, strong feelings, attitudes, beliefs, actions and reactions. If you are feeling drained by too much drama, yours or someone else's, there are several elements to consider.

 Do we recognize drama or do we automatically assume it is the only reality? If one's habit is to dive right in, it might be important to decide how much you like it.

 Let's get real here. 
 One big question is, "Do I have an addiction to drama and am I using my empathy to feed it?"
It only depends on how real you want to be with yourself. What you are willing to let go of to heal and how far you wish to go in your own developmental process will allow you to discover the answers to these questions. And of course, what it is you wish to use your gift for.

Drama is very entertaining to be sure. 
So the first question is:

  •  "Am I willing to explore my relationship with drama?"
  •  The easiest way to begin the process is to simply look at your life.
  •  How much drama is in it? 
  • How much energy are you spending in the dramas? Yours and everyone else's? 
  • What is your investment?

Objectively, another query to consider is: Has being in the drama ever healed the drama?

What if we pause for a moment and simply ask ourselves, what is the purpose of this rather strange and unwieldy gift I have of being able to feel everyone's feelings?
 Does it mean that I dive in and swim in the ocean of every person's reality? I can, to be sure. I have, to be sure! But it is so tiring and depleting and then there is the issue of the energetic attachments, which is another blog.

This gift has an infinite potential to uplift and heal. To be able to feel someone else so deeply but also to be able to maintain a separate existence, a separate level of being that allows one to say, "I see your drama and I hear your story and it is hard and painful. Come on up here and sit in this tree with me and let's look at it from a different perspective. As Empaths, we always have the choice to swim in a feeling, or to feel it, observe it and develop our skills to serve this person who needs healing or help in some way.

The easiest of course is to simply ask, what do you want, what do you need? As such a deeply feeling being, you can develop your gift to the degree that you can feel any feeling at will and you can both share and transmit and translate that feeling.

The drama then becomes very clear information, that shines a light on the path towards healing.


The Empath Series:


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