
Kate Rose - Healing in Holland - March 6-15, 2018

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KateRoseHealing in Holland
6-15 March 2018
Apeldoorn, NL
Kate Rose is an Empathic Intuitive Healer. Her gift creates the ability to perceive all types of emotions and feelings, translating those deep and often unconscious feelings into a simply understood, potent and empowering language in support of each person’s unique healing process. Her ability and willingness to join with another human being and feel their pain to help create their healing is unconditional and remarkable.

ImagineHealing ™  & TheRoseAngelis™  Remedies
Quantum Flower Essences
Empathic & Vibrational Healing & Flower Essence Therapy

"Imagination by its very nature is free to create anything and everything. When we use the power of this dynamic force with attention, intention, focused awareness, trust, and creativity, we bring ideas and intentions into reality at the material level . Once the imagination is allowed to run freely, the power it manifests is unlimited. We have, inside ourselves a most magnificent tool; an infinite resource as powerful as the sun."Kate Rose

Kate Rose has created an elegantly simple and instantly effective process to unlock the infinite potential of the human system to regenerate itself. When Imagination is freed from the constraints of logic, it takes its natural shape & becomes a precise tool of unlimited power for healing & transformation.

Learn how to access, ignite & activate the infinite power of a free imagination. Imagine Healing.

With her gentle nurturing presence, deep unconditional love and joyful humor she instantly creates a safe, protected space where feelings of pain, confusion, and struggle become moments of pure inspired possibility and potential. With her gifts and remarkable skills, she helps others identify their "blocks" to tap into and transform their energy and ideas into their soul's higher purpose.

Anyone who is suffering and desiring a release from that suffering and an experience of their fullest, most joyful life would do themselves and the planet a great service to receive the gift of Kate's healing work. You and your life will never be the same again.

To Schedule an Appointment with Kate Rose
Please Contact:
Janneke Venema
Praktijk In goede Handen
Apeldoorn, NL
Tel. 055-3556839

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