The RoseAngelistm Remedies - Quantum Flower Essences
Pink Hydrangea Flower Essence

Pink Hydrangea has the energy
of a tree, in the astral world it
is a tree). It carries the energy of Angels and the Feminine. Bringing us into an awareness of the veils between the 2 worlds: what we as human beings, perceive or assume the world is and the reality of how Nature perceives itself. This essence supports gaining the awareness of the “otherness” of Nature's Nature herself, not nature
as we humans make it to be.
Pink Hydrangea essence can teach us to respect and
honor nature, it activates our inner natural reverence allowing us to both see and feel deeper qualities in Nature, re-connecting us with the natural world.
Pink Hydrangea
Essence is about tones of transformation, what “note” am I singing? Helping us to find inner harmony, through being “tuned”.
This essence helps us by expand
by moving one beyond a standard set of beliefs.
is all about the limits of belief. The size of your belief is the
size of your reality.
it is so otherworldly, it gives us a peek or a glimpse into a more
refined quality of consciousness.
and gracefulness, it carries a deeply Feminine Energy.
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