
Healing with the RoseAngelis​ Remedies- Sweet William- The Peacemaker's Remedy

Sweet William-  this essence offers fullness where it was empty and is quite soothing. 

From the Flower:
I am a million eyes seeing the inter-connectedness of all things. I create soft edges of integration.

For community: 
 “I am the pathway supporting the template of integration; soft integration. My sweetness, is both in my fragrance and my signature is the balance of the masculine and the feminine.”
Sweet William supports the acceptance of differences. It shows us how we are stronger as a unit, yet beautiful on our own.

For situations where opposing sides cannot come to agreement, Sweet William is a pathway to “fragrant compromise”, meaning that no one feels they have lost and the compromise supports both sides equally. Sweet William is the mediator. Stimulates the consciousness or awareness of the possibility of equal compromise. It is a peacemaker's remedy.

The outer edge of each individual blossom is a “feather”- soft, sweet, soldiers for peace. As you travel further inward, it becomes more defined and one finds points, these are the specifics.

So, Sweet William allows one to gently enter into communication or even observation and then with understanding, move into detail and structure. It supports the understanding of that structure, while creating a soft space or edge to rest in.

For situations where there is a tendency or pattern or expectation of disharmony, Sweet William supports finding harmony. Being whole while respecting and celebrating differences. Part of the Peace remedies.

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