
Healing with The RoseAngelis Flower Essence Remedies Self Esteem & Self Worth

 Orange Hawkweed ~ A feminine, sweet warrior
who knows when to bristle; knowing how and
when to use your power. Offers the simplicity of being,
has a centering focus. Tells us to "Stand Tall ",
reflecting independence & self worth .
Pliny believed that hawks fed on it to strengthen their eyesight.

DEPTFORD PINK – The Self- Worth Essence- “Don't be fooled by my size!”
Deptford Pink essence is about self worth and value, not comparing oneself but feeling one's inner value clearly. Self worth in the face of criticism. It is the light itself that holds the key and the power. Even a tiny speck of light dispels the darkness and the smallest kind action or thought affects the whole. This essence teaches us about flourishing where we are planted.
My bright color is the balance of my size.” Shine your light- size does not matter in any realm
I am so beautiful in my smallness that all eyes are drawn to me”. Deptford Pink - A star that lives on the Earth.
Deptford Pink Essence activates our inner gentleness, relaxation, singing, playfulness & childlike innocence.

Deptford Pink Essence brings an awareness of the power of cooperation and inter-species communication.
This is the Essence of Self Worth. It activates your deep inner knowing that you are is important, unique, important and crucial to the wholeness of all, even if it seems to be in a tiny corner of life, it is all about the Beauty in hidden corners.
How a tiny drop of color changes the whole landscape” Your voice, your words and your being are that tiny drop of color shining like a star in the milky way.
You have all the the power of a star. Just as a star shines it lights as the nature of its being, so does Deptford Pink supports us to know that our individuality is our right and needs to be shone, not judged.
The Deptford Pink Flower Essence Remedy brings us into a childlike consciousness of play for plays sake, joy for joy's sake.

To order The RoseAngelis Flower Essence Remedies:

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