
Healing The Body with Flower Essence Remedies

Birdsfoot Trefoil – Lotus Corniculatus
A remedy for Highly Sensitive People - "The Empath's Remedy"
Birdsfoot Trefoil says:  “I can bring balance to your body”
Clears  false illusions about body image
Connects heart and throat chakras, For Anorexia & Bulimia

The Physical and Emotional Effects:
Subtle, gentle and soothing, Birdsfoot Trefoil Remedy addresses issues that carry strong emotions in a gentle way that cradles and soothes the emotion while supporting the balance in healing it.
For those who feel they are carrying around “the weight of the world”, translated into extra body weight or into extreme lack of body weight.
Birdsfoot Trefoil soaks up and clears negative body image. For those who have never felt comfortable in their body for whatever reason, have been called hypersensitive, outsiders, for people who have always been different, and have been judged or criticized for that difference.
It can connect one with the “grief of embodiment.

This remedy supports the clearing of old, held kinesthetic memories, it affects and helps balance the memories of childhood physical trauma, lighting it up and then clearing it.
One can experience a lifting of veils in the mind and feel the body as beautiful and wondrous. It is like looking in the mirror and no matter which way you look you perceive your beauty.
The signature of this essence is its gentleness.

Specific detailed information from Birdsfoot Trefoil on Anorexia & Eating Disorders:
     Anorexia's vibrational signature is that of a parasitic invasion of consciousness translated to somatic reality. Similar to an entity, anorexia has a parasitic consciousness. It functions in one's consciousness in a similar way that a virus or a bacteria functions in the body in that it both travels and grows.
    The Vibrational signature of eating disorders are of invasive negative perceptions of self.
There is an inability to see oneself clearly and a false image is projected inwardly; self perpetuating, anorexia is like a reactive virus. With each mental or emotional reaction of self hatred, self judgment, etc., the “virus “spreads, saturating the consciousness and resonating through the physical system.
This remedy opens the door to receiving food and nourishment allies rather than an enemies.

The Energetic:  Lighting up the cells:  On an energetic level, Birdsfoot Trefoil Essence
Lights up the “dark” places/ shadows in the cells. Energetic shadows in the cells are pieces of consciousness so to speak, that overlay the energy of the cell and create an imprint that is connected to, in this case, eating disorders, self image and stored physical trauma.
These shadows, once created are like or act like a virus or fungus, continuing to spread and grow and saturate the cells and thus the consciousness. It zeroes in core imprint at the moment of creation/the moment the consciousness accepts the thought feeling experience etc.

    This vibrational signature affects the vision center in the brain connecting both  to physical vision and sense of Self worth, myopically, blindly etc. One can look in a mirror and will simply not be able to see the actual reflection but only the reflection in the mind, which is always “wrong, bad, ugly,” etc.
    From the perspective of consciousness, anorexia is not just an eating disorder, it is a state of consciousness that denies nurturing, that “starves” an essential part of oneself.

Anorexia: the denial of nurture/nurturing
Bulimia: the refusal to receive, integrate –  a rejection of life, an inability to digest living

This essence essence carries the feeling of fragile round softness/beauty.
Positive: clearing, clarity of vision, inner and outer.

Special Offer! until July 8th!
Empathic Reading & Flower Essence Consultation
With her extraordinary gift as a full empath, Kate will give you a personal reading connecting with the core issues that need balancing and clearing. She will design a unique combination essence for you from the RoseAngelis™ Remedies to support this healing.
A limited time offer from
June 8th to July 8th, 2018
Sign up Now !
Special Priced Offer:
(regular price $125.00 for Reading & Remedy )

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