
Introducing The RoseAngelis™ "Combination" Remedies

The RoseAngelis Remedies
 " The Combination Essences"

The Alchemy of Combined Essences
Each Flower has its own signature and offers a unique healing gift. When the essences are combined each flower offers a specific quality in harmony with all the others, alchemically creating a new essence with a very specific focus. Like an orchestra, each Flower offers a note to create a new song of healing empowering our own natural capacity to heal.

Hope ~ This essence embodies the many elements & qualities of Hope, connecting us with our inner strength & intuition. It gives us the feeling that there is always another possibility on the horizon.Widening our awareness when we feel hopeless, it helps us see the beauty and interconnectedness of all things with a sense of childlike wonder.

Inspiration  ~ The Inspiration E ssence supports us in trusting our intuitive creativity, connecting us with the pure creative force.A joyful infusion of spiritual awareness inviting us to connect with a larger consciousness, experience a wider mind, clear thoughts and multiple perspectives, opening to doorway to inspiration. Inspiration ~ This essence supports us in trusting our intuitive creativity, connecting us with the pure creative force.A joyful infusion of spiritual awareness inviting us to connect with a larger consciousness, experience a wider mind, clear thoughts and multiple perspectives, opening to doorway to inspiration.

Self Esteem ~ This essence supports us in feeling the deep inner knowing that we are each unique, valuable and indeed crucial to to the wholeness of all. It inspires us to both discover and stand tall in our sense of self worth. Feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that has made us who we are. Knowing the value of one's voice. Self Esteem ~ This essence supports us in feeling the deep inner knowing that we are each unique, valuable and indeed crucial to to the wholeness of all.It inspires us to both discover and stand tall in our sense of self worth. Feeling gratitude and appreciation for all that has made us who we are. Knowing the value of one's voice.

Inner Peace  ~ The peace of pure being, centering, inside aspiration, joy & comfort, soothing, heart center, resting inside a golden cocoon, inner equilibrium, deeply centering inner quiet, balance ,inner peace, alignment, spiritual heart, refined consciousness, quietude, peacemaker, contentment, inner stillness.

Ultimate Protection  ~ White, Pink & Golden Yarrow. Combining the gifts of these 3 Yarrow Flowers, The Ultimate Protections Remedy combines the elements of Ultimate Protection - this essence brings together all the energies of the Yarrows and their power to protect on multiple levels. White Yarrow, our general umbrella of protection strengthening boundaries and letting the feelings and energies of others pour like rain off an umbrella. Pink Yarrow , the psychic sponge remedy , offering an enhancement of the filters that keep us from absorbing everyone's feelings. Golden Yarrow, the Golden Cocoon of Protection. We now have Ultimate Protection.

Energizer ~ A shot of energy! A remedy that carries the feeling of effervescence, and power of the breath. Renews energy with childlike wonder and playfulness. A transfusion of pure life force. This essence offers gifts from Nature through the flowers connecting us with the Earth. It is invigorating and energizing. Caffeine without coffee!

I Love My Body~ A gentle , soothing balancer, bringing our awareness to the wonder of our bodies. Self Acceptance, gracefulness, grounding. Brings peace and hope to our struggles with our bodies and whatever conditions have created a challenging, difficult or painful relationship with our physical body. Invigoration hope, opens the doorway to healing through self-acceptance and the power of self love.

Clearing ~ Purifying, cleansing, clearing of energies gathered or absorbed in daily life. Invigoration, lifts us into clearer vision, clears emotions, stimulates joy. Excellent for practitioners of healing modalities in clearing collected energies of clients. For Highly sensitive people and empaths. For anyone who feels overwhelmed by the gathered weight of daily life. A cleansing shower, a clean sweep, from foggy to clear.

Comfort  ~  The Essence of Comfort. A calming gentle combination that gives us the feeling of being enveloped, embraced, help & supported. As if we are gently immersed in a quiet blue lake, bringing us a sense of relief. Helpful during times of grief.

Courage ~ In moments when we need to connect with the place inside us that helps us go forward in spite of our fears, difficulties, griefs and obstacles, the Courage Essence helps us connect with that place. To feel the many different kinds of courage: the courage to begin again; the courage to take the first step into change; to feel confidence, faith in ourselves, faith in something bigger than ourselves; the power to stand strong in the midst of the fear and challenges.

Calm ~ The Calm Essence carries the frequency of stillness, centering, heart's ease; the awareness of the stability of interconnectedness, peace & quietude. For those moments in life when the noise and bustle of the world seems overwhelming, for moments when the fiery emotions need gentling.

Joy ~ The Joy Remedy carries the frequency and energy of of joy. Lighting up the place inside us where joy lives, this essence connects us to the many elements of joy reminding us to be grateful for joy and that gratitude always opens the door to more and more joy, laughter, buoyancy, happiness and wonder.

The RoseAngelis™ Remedies are
Vibrational Flower Essence Remedies created in full cooperation and with the guidance of the Wisdom of Nature, the Power of the Sun and the Gayatri Mantra. They are created from organic wild & garden flowers, pure spring water, stabilized with brandy or organic vinegar.

Combination Essences $18.00 ea.
Set of 6 Essences $100.00
Set of 12 Essences $210.00
plus shipping and handling

to order please contact:
RoseAngelis Remedies

Kate Rose offers
RoseAngelis™ Remedies Healing Consultations on Skype, by Phone & at her office in Lexington, Virginia

To Schedule a Private Appointment
Please Contact

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