
Self Responsibility - The Bodhisattva Vows, Ho'oponopono & The Violet Flame

I first read about the Bodhisattva Vows or the 4 Great Vows  in JD Salinger's story "Franny and Zooey", in the late 1960's.
I was introduced there to the idea of perpetual prayer and offering one's life for the service of all sentient beings.

I believe it was 1991 when His Holiness the Dalai Lama was in NYC for the Kalachakra Ceremony that he also gave the Bodhisattva Vows to a theatre full of about 5000 people.

"With a wish to free all beings 
I shall always go for refuge 
To the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, 
Until I reach full enlightenment. 
Enthused by wisdom and compassion, 
today in the Buddhas' presence I generate 
the Mind for Full Awakening 
For the benefit of all sentient beings. 
As long as space remains, 
As long as sentient beings remain, 
Until then, may I too remain 
And dispel the miseries of the world."

There are several translations and of course they are also known as the 4 great vows, which is how they were referred to in Salinger. Now I am not a practicing Tibetan Buddhist, although I have had the great blessing of meeting the Dalai Lama and the 17th Karmapa and receiving both transmissions and blessings. I have found only that I love and revere His Holiness the Dalai Lama  and his words and life have always been the truth for me.

After the Dalai Lama finished giving the vows, he laughed and said, " Well, now you have done it !"
There was a collective intake of 5000 breaths; one had after all just vowed to live innumerable lifetimes working to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings. He just laughed again, and said, "Oh,don't worry." As if it didn't really matter.... but somehow I felt that I had just committed myself forever. Not that I had, or even have a clue what that means.
I have come, almost 30 years later to think of it in a Frodo Baggins sort of way.." there and back again, and again and again and again....".

This vast and overwhelming idea or intention of being responsible for all. 

And now the discovery and gift of the Ho'oponopono prayer from Hawaii. With this practice, one takes full responsibility for everything that has happened, is happening and will happen  in one's life. That life is simply a reflection of my own consciousness and everything that comes in is a reflection that is gratefully received, healed and balanced.
One acknowledges, loves, asks forgiveness and gives gratitude in every situation. One sees every person, every situation as oneself. Many parts of one soul. And it means responsible for everything. It seems to bring one to a moment of choice about whether to argue about it or just do the practice because it truly does work.

And then the prayer of Forgiveness of the Violet Transmuting Flame.
 "I am the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Transmuting Flame of all the mistakes I have ever made, of all the mistakes of all mankind, in God's most holy name, I Am."

In each of these practices one steps away from being separate, and accepts that we live in a great oneness that has been forgotten.

It seems that it invites us to take responsibility for the whole world and everything happening in it for the purpose of healing, bringing balance back into nature, peace to the world.

It can circumvent the busy, arguing mind, that always wants reasons and answers to why, by this simple and yet profound practice in its many forms, of taking full responsibility for everything. 
 It does not mean, guilt, it does not mean blame, it does not mean burden.It seems to mean instant action to heal everything. 

 There is a wonderful story by Ursula LeGuin, in her "Earth Sea Trilogy". The main character spends years chasing an evil shadow that he has let loose on the world and must destroy, only to discover that it is himself and he must simply embrace it, accept it and in its reentry into wholeness it disappears on its own.

We live in a reality where we assume there is an inside and an outside. It is always an interesting moment to ask, "What if it is all inside and there is no outside?"

I once had a glimpse moment, when I suddenly felt that I am always sitting still and the Hologram keeps changing.

New Holograms, New Days, 
New Years....

Happy New.

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