
Kate Rose - Healing in Holland - March 6-15, 2018

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KateRoseHealing in Holland
6-15 March 2018
Apeldoorn, NL
Kate Rose is an Empathic Intuitive Healer. Her gift creates the ability to perceive all types of emotions and feelings, translating those deep and often unconscious feelings into a simply understood, potent and empowering language in support of each person’s unique healing process. Her ability and willingness to join with another human being and feel their pain to help create their healing is unconditional and remarkable.

ImagineHealing ™  & TheRoseAngelis™  Remedies
Quantum Flower Essences
Empathic & Vibrational Healing & Flower Essence Therapy

"Imagination by its very nature is free to create anything and everything. When we use the power of this dynamic force with attention, intention, focused awareness, trust, and creativity, we bring ideas and intentions into reality at the material level . Once the imagination is allowed to run freely, the power it manifests is unlimited. We have, inside ourselves a most magnificent tool; an infinite resource as powerful as the sun."Kate Rose

Kate Rose has created an elegantly simple and instantly effective process to unlock the infinite potential of the human system to regenerate itself. When Imagination is freed from the constraints of logic, it takes its natural shape & becomes a precise tool of unlimited power for healing & transformation.

Learn how to access, ignite & activate the infinite power of a free imagination. Imagine Healing.

With her gentle nurturing presence, deep unconditional love and joyful humor she instantly creates a safe, protected space where feelings of pain, confusion, and struggle become moments of pure inspired possibility and potential. With her gifts and remarkable skills, she helps others identify their "blocks" to tap into and transform their energy and ideas into their soul's higher purpose.

Anyone who is suffering and desiring a release from that suffering and an experience of their fullest, most joyful life would do themselves and the planet a great service to receive the gift of Kate's healing work. You and your life will never be the same again.

To Schedule an Appointment with Kate Rose
Please Contact:
Janneke Venema
Praktijk In goede Handen
Apeldoorn, NL
Tel. 055-3556839

The Empath Series: Creating Your Filter: A Simple Process

Creating Your Filter: A Simple Process
created by Kate Rose

Find a place where you can have quiet and silence for about 10 to 30 minutes.
Take a comfortable position preferably sitting, be comfortable, chair, couch, floor and/ or  propped with pillows

Imagine for a moment that your breath is coming from in front of your chest and directly into your heart. Remember this is only your imagination so there is no right or wrong way, whatever you feel and imagine is perfect for you. These are suggestions and offerings, not rules.

Breathe ten times, natural easy breaths, or until you notice that your attention is on your heart rather than in your head. It will bounce back and forth, but the pathway is now open and accessible.
 You may feel a sensation of some kind on your chest, or not, it doesn't matter.
 Once you have connected with your heart and created this pathway between your heart and mind you are ready to begin.

 Imagine that you have a large bubble around you. Everyone's field is different so you must look and feel closely to see what your "bubble" is made of. It may be round oval, square or angled. Whatever it is, it is distinctly yours.

Once you perceive it, imagine that it is at least big enough that you can spread your arms wide in all directions and not hit the sides. It can be as vast or as small as you please.

 Notice what it is made of.  Does it feel strong or weak ? Inflated or deflated?
Comfortable or uncomfortable? If it is deflated, inflate it. Remember this is your imagination. If your logical left brain starts to make noise about how stupid and impossible this is, just remind it that you are simply using your imagination and it will immediately quiet down, as it does not believe in Imagination and will not feel required to save you.( A life-changing discovery and great secret, that is now not a secret.)

Once it is fully inflated, notice again what it is made of. It is thin or thick? Does it feel strong or weak? If it feels at all weak or if you desire it to feel stronger, simply make it that way. If you see a color use it or change it. It is all your preference and your creation.

Once you have the sense of it being strong and fully inflated look around and notice if you feel or see any holes, or open windows or open doors or cracks or unzipped zippers.
( these are usually behind you.) Check all directions. If you have a sense that there are holes of any kind, close them.

I simply say to myself close, close, close, close, close, again and again until they all feel closed. This requires that you trust yourself even if it feels silly or if you do not feel sure. When everything is closed pause and feel the difference . This is a most important moment. You WILL feel a difference and the next time you do it you will know what to look for. Your energy will change, you will feel a sense of relief, you won't feel as tired or depleted.

Next step: Look around and notice if "anyone" is in there with you. This is your space, private and sacred . If anyone is in there with you send them out, invite them to leave, have them escorted, blow them out of a cannon or whatever method feels good to you.
I then say, clear, clear, clear, clear, clear until it feels completely clear to me. It is kind of like washing a window and you keep on cleaning it until there are NO streaks left.

This will not hurt anyone nor with it disconnect you from those you love. It is simply a clearing and a fortification of boundaries that will support you to be in yourself in a powerful way and to clearly recognize what is yours and what is not.

Look around again and just feel the space. If you have a sense there is something hanging around, trust that you perceive correctly and simply command it to go. Continue this process until you feel your space is empty and clear. Just as when you come home, go to your own room or run a bath and get in and you feel,  "ahhhh, it is just me"... it feels great.

 You then want to fill this bubble or field with a vibrant, vital, pulsing, powerful energy.

 Mine: I was sailing once and saw the sun at noon shining on the water creating an infinite path of shimmering golden stars. I knew at once this is what I wanted to fill my bubble and surround myself in. So I simply imagined pumping it full of this substance until it felt full.

Find your substance, fill your bubble and again pause to feel it. PAUSING IS A MOST IMPORTANT PIECE. Pausing to feel it both imprints and sets it, and gives you a template to return to. The more you are consciously in it the more powerful it becomes.

 In the beginning my field was so weak that I did this exercise several times a day. After continual focused practice, I entered my bubble one morning and found it fully intact. It always is now. It takes maintenance just like keeping oil in the engine of my car, brushing my teeth, vacuuming my house.... and filling my bubble. It has completely transformed my ability to move in the world, to maintain a constant level of energy even in difficult moments, to stay healthy and more.

I know that if you do this practice it will change your life. I hope it serves you well.

Kate Rose

The Empath Series - What is Mine, What is Their's? Your Kinesthetic Cues

(This is what happy looks and feels like...)
Every feeling and every emotion have kinesthetic cues. There is a multitude of biological, chemical, respiratory and muscular reactions coursing through our nervous systems in response to every experienced feeling. Fear, for instance, can increase the heart rate, create a cold feeling in the pit of the stomach, shorten the breath, heighten the hearing and cloud the vision.
You can actually choose which system of your body you wish to explore. For instance, you could decide to see how each feeling affects your breathing or how your muscular system reacts to various feelings. These are your personal, subjective cues. They have a particular signature that is always specific to you.

 If you become intimately familiar with your own cues, you will always be able to tell the difference between your fear and someone else's. ( or any other feeling).

 When one feels another person's feelings and emotions, there is also always an added piece, that can feel like an extra weight, confusion, repulsion or contraction, a feeling of being attacked or of wanting to pull away from something that seems to smother you.

If each day you begin to gently catalog how you feel in your body as you experience your own emotions and feelings, you will begin to recognize your own kinesthetic cues and you will know without a doubt when you are feeling or absorbing someone else's feeling.

A simple list can help:
What does fear feel like in my body? 
What does joy feel like in my body?
What does anger feel like in my body?
What does resistance feel like in my body?
What does blame feel like in my body?
What does love feel like in my body?
What does hope feel like in my body?
What does shame feel like in my body?

 The trick is to not get distracted by your own story in this exploration, but to simply observe as many feelings as possible as you build up your own reference library of kinesthetic awarenesses to support knowing " what is mine and what is their's".

The Empath Series - Answers: Why Does My Body Hurt?

The Empath Series: Why Does My Body Hurt?

Are any of these experiences familiar to you?

  • Strange illnesses that doctors cannot find the reason for or even identify, that appear and then disappear
  • constant physical pain
  • pain that suddenly appears and disappears
  • pain when touched in passing

I was first hospitalized at the age of 3. Apparently, my bladder somehow stopped functioning. It was my first experience of my body internalizing too much feeling and manifesting as a withdrawal from the physical and the body simply shutting off.
It came and then it went. No one could explain why or how. Then when I was 9, I was hospitalized again because I could not move my neck. My parents had left us with my paternal grandparents when they went on a trip and it was not a harmonious situation, so I stopped moving. They put me in the hospital, and then in traction, which even then made no sense to me, as my neck was already not moving...
 They decided I probably had a brain tumor and gave me a myelogram which consisted of shooting dye into my spine, x-raying it and then removing the dye which has the effect of a spinal tap, taking spinal fluid and creating a terribly painful migraine level headache and excruciating spinal pain. They found nothing and eventually it disappeared.

Without a "filter" I absorbed everything from everyone. At the time (the 1960's) neuropeptides were not yet studied, and neuroscience and the mind-body had not yet entered the mainstream consciousness. So I was on my own.

I discovered early on that I was highly allergic, received multitudes of tests but when they told me I was allergic to animals, that was it. I somehow knew I had to find my own way.  It was the beginning of my exploration of alternative healing modalities. I began a study of herbs and natural foods. In 1972 I discovered Flower Essences and Vibrational Medicine and I knew then that I had found my " medicine".
At 14 I became a vegetarian and stayed that way for about 10 years until one of my beloved spiritual teachers gave me a very powerful lesson that changed everything.
(See the story "The Golden Chains")

I spent many many years sick and in pain, not knowing that it was not all mine. Until I learned how to create the filters, clear my whole energy field and strengthen it so that it is impermeable to other people's feelings and the energy they carry, I could not stay healthy.
In addition, as a Healer, I was processing through my body. I thought I had to. I became so depleted that I thought I was going to die. Let me say clearly here that these clearing and cleaning practices did not lessen my sensitivity or empathic gifts or perceptions. In fact, they all became clearer,  and my work much more focused and effective. Like ramping up my download streaming speed to a million g's.
It was then that I began to work with feeling energy, and seeing energy,  understanding the need, not just need but the requirement to learn how to clear and clean my field, have incredible, beautiful, functioning, stable boundaries and be willing to let go of other people's "stuff."
 One of the biggest hazards in empathic living is the belief that we must carry all the feelings of the collective. " If I can see it and feel it I am responsible for fixing it". We miss the fact that we may be taking something from someone that they need. It is I believe a hard lesson for people who have a healing vocation to know when to let go. It certainly was for me. This takes us into the realm of Empathic Co-dependence.

If your body us hurting, if you are sick and in pain, first and foremost, begin by asking " Is this mine?" You will almost always know very quickly, especially if you are working with others or worrying about someone etc etc. Learning to clear and clean your energy field is crucial to your health. Just as we shower and brush our teeth every day, this must become part of our "maintenance".

The whatever we have created or absorbed into our system that is manifesting as illness or pain can be focused on and healed.
 I no longer suffer these pains that I suffered for decades. I have healed my own "auto-immune" disease. I have no allergies.
From this exploration and practice, I discovered the healing power and secrets of the Free Empowered Imagination.

 Imagination by its very nature is free to create anything and everything. When we use the power of this dynamic force with attention, intention, focused awareness, trust, and creativity, we bring ideas and intentions into reality at the material level . Once the imagination is allowed to run freely, the power it manifests is unlimited. We have, inside ourselves a most magnificent tool; an infinite resource as powerful as the sun.

Kate Rose has created an elegantly simple and instantly effective process to unlock the infinite potential of the human system to regenerate itself. When Imagination is freed from the constraints of logic, it takes its natural shape & becomes a precise tool of unlimited power for healing & transformation.
Learn how to access, ignite & activate the infinite power of a free imagination.

 Imagine Healing

The Golden Chains

The Golden Chains”
SriMata Gayatri Devi
I was visiting the Vedanta Center Ashram in Cohasset, MA for the celebration of the Ramakrishna Puja in the late 1970’s. Sri Mata Gayatri Devi,( Mataji or Ma) always prepared the food for the Puja and had made among other things, her special fish dish. The food is then offered in a special service and is considered blessed and so the partaking of all the dishes is a very special gift. The Ashrama Family and guests were sitting at the long table in what is now the dining room, and the Sisters and Brothers were serving the meal. One of them brought me a plate, and as she began to set it down someone said:
Oh, no she is a vegetarian”.
Sri Ma Gayatri Devi said, ”Give her the fish”
And the server said, “”But, she is a vegetarian, Ma. “

And Ma said, “”Give her the fish.“

Again someone said, very slowly, clearly and sincerely,(as if explaining to Ma, as if she couldn’t hear or didn’t know what she was doing,)
“But Ma, Katyayani* is a vegetarian. “
By this time I was well aware that Mataji had a very clear purpose, but I was a vegetarian and I had not had any animal food for over 10 years, and I did not want to eat the fish, Prasad (Blessed Food ) or no. But I didn’t say anything ( hope springs eternal…)
So one more time someone said, “Ma she is a vegetarian”, 
Ma said,”Give her the fish.”
So then, finally, I said, ” Ma, I am a vegetarian and I don’t want to eat this fish.”
She looked me straight in the eye and the heart and said, “Ma, even the Golden Chains have to go”.
So I said, “Well if you will take on the karma of me eating this very beautifully cooked, blessed and very dead fish I will eat it .”
Ma said, “Fine. “
and I ate the fish.
It was an amazing lesson, blessing, and transmission of a teaching that has stayed with me for almost 40 years. There are wonderful, powerful things that we learn and practices and beliefs. Things that are good for us and others. But they can still be chains. Just Golden Chains. True freedom has no chains.
So when I look inside and outside in my life I must always ask," Is this a Golden Chain"
and then I eat the fish. Again.
*Katyayani was the name Mataji gave me after our first meeting. It is a name of Mother Kali.)

The Empath Series - Answers - Staying Open/Shutting Down

 In response to the question :
How do you keep the emotions of others out without shutting down your own empathic sensitivity?

There is a difference between walls and boundaries. The creation and maintenance of the energetic filter allows us to feel everything without absorbing all the feelings. Asking the question "Is this mine?", creates a moment of reflection rather than instant reactivity. When you ask yourself,"Is this mine?", there is always a response. There is a knowing in us about our own "stuff" whether we look at it or not, we usually can recognize it. When it is someone else's feeling there is a sense that it doesn't quite fit. One usually feels confusion or discomfort on some level. Like trying to put on someone else's coat, it just doesn't fit. If you can recognize that feeling, and then say to your self, this is not mine, the feeling will tend to dissipate. 
 We are usually in full open absorption mode and this is why we often only see two options. Wide open with no boundaries, or fully closed with no receptivity.
Living life as an Empath without being in perpetual pain is a process of continually developing and practicing self-awareness. In order to know what is someone else's, I have to know what is my own.Which means on some level taking responsibility not only for my own feelings and issues but becoming aware on multiple levels of what they are, what their signatures are in mind body and spirit.
We then experience peace, balance, equilibrium and the choice to feel.

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The Empath Series: Answers - Creating A Filter

Most Empaths are not born with an existing filtration system or any kind. Therefore there are no boundaries to prevent feelings of others from being experienced directly.

The first memory I have of experiencing someone else's feelings was when I was four years old. I was sitting on the living room floor of the little house I grew up in. My Mother sat in a chair to my left and a guest on the sofa to my right.
 I knew somehow that she was not a friend but an acquaintance. My Mother said to her, "How are you?" She said, "Fine. "
I looked straight at her with a look on my face that must have clearly said, " Fine? You are not fine! Why do you say you are fine?"
 I knew she was not fine. I could feel her "not fine-ness" quite clearly
 She looked at me for a moment with a look of pure shock on her face, then dismissed me and continued her conversation with my mom.

As the years went by I found that not only was I aware of people's feelings, but I felt them go right through me. If someone was sad, I immediately felt sad. If they were angry I felt it hit me like a fire. If they were lying I felt suddenly off balance as if everything was skewed. But I didn't know why. Actually, I assumed everyone had this experience.

When one is being constantly inundated with infinite feelings, sensations and emotions, there is no time or energy to figure anything out. Most empaths go into some state of overwhelm, manifested in a variety of ways.

 There is the fix-it mode, where one immediately becomes the caregiver, fixer, the make it okay person. There is the turtle mode where one simply withdraws and closes down and tries to be invisible. There is the controller mode, which is quite popular, and of course, the victim /blame mode where something is always being done to one, and life is then a series of reactions to the outside realities as if one is constantly under attack. And it truly feels  that way.

 It is as if you live in a house where all the windows and doors are always wide open and the world just keeps on walking through and dropping all their luggage and garbage in your living room. Unfortunately, your living room is your consciousness and your energy field which of course extends into the material world in the form of your body.

Feel familiar?

We then experience physical exhaustion, the feeling that someone pulled the plug and all our energy has drained out.  One can experience depression, overwhelm, self-judgment and more; feeling that because we feel it we are responsible for it and for fixing it.

And the list goes on.

There are several aspects involved the building, creation and maintenance of a dynamic filtration system without having to disconnect and cut off the feelings and sensations.

In order to build a filter one must first be able to separate one's own feelings from everyone else's. 

 The simple question "How do I feel ?" can be very confusing if one cannot separate their feelings from the collective's.
 Understanding the difference between emotion and feeling is the first step.
 Feelings are pure perceived sensations. Emotion is the reaction to those sensations.
For instance:  It is cold. Cold is the sensation. I hate being cold is the reaction or emotion associated with the feeling.
So knowing your own responses to feelings is quite important. It means honouring the truth of your own feelings, Not only trusting the feelings but being able to observe them, accept them, translate them and allow the ones that are not yours to pass on not through.
The tendency is to grab onto all the feelings and emotions, which is another subject.

Building the Filter: Your Energy Field

Every person carries with them and exists inside of an energetic and vibrational field. Every single thing that exists as matter and in physical form also exists in an energetic form. All physical realities, attachments, relationships, material things, including structures of belief.
If one could see these energetic fields, one would see something that looks like a large bubble and inside the bubble are floating a multitude of things. Each of these things has a filament of light that attaches it to the person it belongs to, and each filament of light vibrates at a certain frequency. This sets up a resonance which both magnetizes and generates, reproducing continuously the environment one lives in at all levels that supports our choices, attachments and our consciousness .
These things either support, uplift and carry one, or they pull or weigh one down, depending on the nature of one’s relationship with them.This relationship is either pulling inward, getting smaller, more dense, less mobile, less active, generating slowly, or is moving with and in harmony and balance, energetically vibrant, always growing, always changing.
Change and one’s willingness to experience it, is one of the keys to a vibrant, expanding growing energy field and life. The desire for security in a tangible, recognizable and traditional form, which often involves a deep attachment to fear and control, and the placement of this as an overlaying energetic, vibrational membrane often precludes the needed and natural process of change, creating a somewhat static field having very definite limits.
This, of course, is only one layer, one part of the human energetic field and quite specific to the process of the creation of one's reality. However, the willingness to see and feel this energetic field, to perceive its contents and to feel one’s relationship with it, is a huge gateway to instantly creating healing, transformation and expansion in one’s life on a multitude of levels.
For Empaths, cleaning and clearing one's energy field must be a daily process. Sometimes several times a day until it has been established so clearly that one can perform so-called routine maintenance to keep it strong and clear.
 I never wanted to work with or see energy etc. I thought I had enough to deal with feeling feelings , and so did not want to put anything else on my plate. However, I began to see and experience energy spontaneously and so began to explore it. I discovered the power of unlimited free imagination and the ability to use it to create dynamic realities. When you say to yourself, " I am just going to use my imagination" the logical, rational brain basically ignores it without reacting or trying to be rational because it does not believe in the imagination.  
Imagination is the free unlimited infinite space of pure creative force.
 I perceived my energy field as a rather large bubble that was all around me. When I looked at it to see what it was made of, it looked like swiss cheese. Holes everywhere. It became clear to me why my energy was so drained and why everyone was always in my living room.So I closed all the holes. Then I looked around inside to see if there was anything there that wasn't mine. This manifested in images of people things clouds shadows all sorts of things that were very clearly ready for the cosmic composter. So I cleared it all. O my! What a feeling. My own space with no one but me in it. The only thing I can compare it to is the first time I found my self in the Painted Desert. I got out of my car and there was nothing. NOTHING AND NO ONE !!!!!!!!! It was the most wonderful quiet, empty yet still, open feeling I had ever had. I could stretch out my feelings, let loose so to speak with no guarding, no protection and all I felt was nothing, sweet quiet nothing and a few lizards laying in the sun. It was heavenly. This is how your field should feel. Home sweet home. 
 Then I felt, it must be strengthened. I remembered sailing once on the Great Lakes in Michigan at noon time and seeing a pathway of sunlight on the water. It was golden and shimmered as if it was made of a million stars. I thought this is what I want inside my field to make it strong and vibrant and vital. So, I pumped it up until it was full of golden stars.
 So now the holes were closed, the field was cleaned and clear and filled with golden stars.
It was a life-changing, life-giving moment. I believe I am alive and vibrant and empathically available because of this practice and process. 
 And of course, the trick was to check it every day and make sure it stayed that way. My habit was to let everything in and through me because as an empathic healer I felt I had to let it go through my entire system. This is not true. But at that time that was what I did and it depleted me so much that I was near death when I first did this process.
I continued to do it every day and sometimes more than once a day for about a year. One day when I went inside to see my field and clean and clear it, I saw that it was fully intact. And it has stayed that way. Certainly, there are times I need to recheck and I always clean and clear but it is now a dynamic fully functioning filter system that allows me to feel but to filter what comes in.
Tomorrow: How does one recognize what is mine and what is theirs?

For more information on Kate Rose, her workshops, retreats and private sessions:

The Empath Series : Answers

The Empath Series

What is an Empath? What does being empathic mean?
There is a huge difference between being empathetic, and being an Empath. When one is empathetic one can choose to try to be aware of another's feelings, to step into another's shoes so to speak. When one is an Empath those feelings are not felt by choice but are automatically perceived and fully experienced in exactly the same way one feel's one's own feelings. In other words, if you are sad, I am sad. If you are happy, I am happy. If you angry, I am angry. And we feel them consciously.

 Until I was in my 20's, I just assumed that everyone felt everything. I feel feelings the way people see colors. They are just there. Everyone "wears" them. How can you not "see" ( feel)  them?

What I did not know how to do was filter them. That is the basic difference between someone who is an empath and the rest of the world. There is no natural filter system. All the feelings come in and they are combined with one's own feelings. It is life in a constant state of emotional overwhelm because the feelings are not recognized as separate from the emotions they engender.

In addition, there is an automatic assumption that if I can feel it I am somehow responsible for it and am supposed to fix it or make it better or change it. And of course, if you feel better I feel better.

The Questions: 

How do we, as Empaths, create a filter system where none exists?

 How do we recognize what is mine and what is theirs?

 How do we stop absorbing everyone's feelings without shutting down, and yet still stay aware sensitive?

Why does my body hurt?
Why do I have difficulty, allergies and negative reactions to allopathic/chemical medicines?

The Blame Game & Addiction to Drama

How do I feel?

Dreams, Visions & Precognitive Experiences

The Kinesthetic Map

and more......

Kate Rose is a Master Empath teaching and healing for over 40 years. She is the creator of the RoseAngelis Remedies Quantum Flower Essences, Functional Empathy Somatics , ImagineHealing, and The Somandala Process.  Kate Is a Tragerwork Master teacher , having practiced and taught tragerwork worldwide. She has taught and offered her workshops, trainings, retreats & private sessions in Italy, Austria, France, Scotland, England, Egypt, Israel, Canada and the US.
She has recently settled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her beloved dog Sophie and her 1 year old kitty Shiloh.

Healing Retreat with Empath Kate Rose

The Gifts of the Rose”
2 Day Retreat with Kate Rose
Oakridge Farm, Pelham, NC    February 17&18, 2018

Kate Rose, Empathic Healer, creator of ImagineHealing, The RoseAngelis™ Remedies,  &The Choice to Feel

Join us for this special retreat where Kate will teach you and heal you with her gifts.
Touching the mind, body, spirit & emotions and working in the subtle energy fields,
you will experience the power of Imagination, Feeling & Nature as profound healing tools.
With her gentle nurturing presence, deep unconditional love and joyful humor she instantly creates a safe, protected space where feelings of pain, confusion and struggle become moments of pure possibility and potential. With her gifts and remarkable skills, she helps others identify their "blocks" to tap into and transform their energy and ideas into their soul's higher purpose.
Anyone who is suffering and desiring a release from that suffering and an experience of their fullest, most joyful life would do themselves and the planet a great service to receive the gift of Kate's healing work. You and your life will never be the same again.

You will learn to:
Clean & Clear and Activate your Personal Energy Field
The Golden Energy Protection Process
Move Beyond Intention into Inspiration
Connect directly with Mother Nature learn to communicate and hear Her messages
with the RoseAngelis Remedies - Quantum Flower Essences

Kate Rose has a remarkably unique talent to help and heal people. Through years of refinement and God-given talent it is obvious that she could see things about me that most people could not. With an almost other-worldly sense of intuition and empathy she not only provides her gift as a healing tool but also inspires us to think beyond what we thought was possible. As one candle can light many others, anyone who has the opportunity to share time with Kate is blessed and left forever changed. “
Ryan Parenti, Manager, Rishikesh School of Yoga, Rishikesh, India

For Detailed Information & Registration Please Contact: 

2 Day Retreat $
335.00 ( payment by check)
( $345.00 payment through PAYPAL)
airbnb accommodations available on site @ 45.00/night 6 spaces on site
many airbnb accommodations nearby

Empathic Intuitive Healer Kate Rose - Consultation & Healings

  Empathic Healing Consultations with Kate Rose
Zoom, Skype & Phone Appointments Available


With her extraordinary gift as a full Empath & over 35 years of experience teaching and healing Kate will give you a Personal Empathic Reading identifying the core issues that need balancing, clearing, and healing. 
Kate can perceive, identify, translate, effect change and activate all feelings that need to be healed on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and energetic. She opens the doorway to empowered choice, teaching simple and gentle ways to heal the patterns and traumas that weigh you down, realigning your system and consciousness with your innate ability to heal and regenerate. Kate reconnects you with your health, creativity, power and imagination.
The Choice to Feel is The Choice to Heal.
Empathic Healing Reading & Sessions
60 minutes $125.00
90 minutes  $175.00 
Kate Rose is a Holistic Empath, Equine Empath a Tragerwork Master Teacher, creator of Functional Empathy
tm, an Empathic & Vibrational Intuitive Healer and the creator of ImagineHealingtm and the RoseAngelistm Flower Essence Remedies. She has practiced and taught Holistic Healing, Tragerwork and Functional Empathytm for over 35 years in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. Her work includes healing humans, horses and the earth. She has combined her 25 years as a classical ballerina and her 35+ years of international teaching in Holistic Healing, Functional Empathy, Tragerwork and Flower Essence Therapy into a simple, refined, powerfully effective method of healing. With her understanding and knowledge of the human body and energy systems, anatomy, the nervous system, the long term effects of trauma and repetitive stress combined with her unique and highly developed ability to feel and understand feeling, she skillfully communicates directly and clearly affecting change, creating empowerment and profound healing.


For Appointments on Skype, Zoom or by Phone: 

"Kate Rose has a remarkably unique talent to help and heal people.
Through years of refinement and God-given talent it is obvious that she could see things about me that most people could not. With an almost other-worldly sense of intuition and empathy she not only provides her gift as a healing tool but also inspires us to think beyond what we thought was possible.
As one candle can light many others, anyone who has the opportunity to share time with Kate is blessed and left forever changed."
Ryan Parenti, Rishikesh School of Yoga, Rishikesh, India