
“A Swift Path to the Heart”™
A  7 week private class with Kate Rose
Private Skype Sessions

Week 1Connecting the Pathway between the Heart & the Mind
Week 2 - Transforming Limiting Beliefs 
Week 3 -  The Energetic Matrix
Week 4-  The “Choice” Empowerments
Week 5- Deepening, Clearing, Practicing, Manifesting
Week 6 – The Act of Letting Go, Release & Receive
Week  7 The Divine Connection  - Completion, Next Steps   

Kate Rose has a remarkably unique talent to help and heal people.
Through years of refinement and God-given talent it is obvious that she could see things about me that most people could not. With an almost other-worldly sense of intuition and empathy she not only provides her gift as a healing tool but also inspires us to think beyond what we thought was possible.
As one candle can light many others, anyone who has the opportunity to share time with Kate is blessed and left forever changed.
Ryan W. D.Parenti, Manager of The Rishikesh School of Yoga, Rishikesh, India

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