


Kate Rose has been and still is, one of my most influential teachers and mentors. She has brought my own teaching to a meaningful level and because of her, the value that I offer is magnified. In no uncertain terms, she is responsible for many life transformations.

Fernando Rojas LMT, PhD,
NCBTMB Approved Provider
Somatic Mindfulness
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico

 Kate Rose is a superb teacher. She brings years of experience, an amazing ability as an Empath, and genuine love to every student. Learning with Kate is an incredible experience.
Barbara Bernstein,
Yoga Teacher,Reiki Master
Henniker,New Hampshire

Kate Rose has an amazing, intuitive ability as a teacher to listen deeply and get to the heart of the questions that are being asked, thereby giving her students a profound and deep understanding of the skills she is teaching..
I am a much better massage therapist since I studied with Kate.
Nancy Spero, RN, LMT,

Kate Rose is one of the few teachers I've had over the years who I consider to be a master of healing. I first worked with Kate when I was completing my Trager certification program. I resonated deeply with how she approaches the mind / body connection that I have continued working with her as my teacher long past my Trager training. Milton Trager said to his students ,of which Kate was one, "You will take this work much further than I have". Kate is fulfilling his prophecy.
Richard Mack
Mind Your Body

Kate Rose has an amazing, intuitive ability as a teacher to listen deeply and get to the heart of the questions that are being asked, thereby giving her students a profound and deep understanding of the skills she is teaching. I am a much better massage therapist since I studied with Kate.
Nancy Spero, RN, LMT,

 A workshop with Kate is a unique experience. Not only did I learn the benefits of Tragerwork with a skilled teacher. She also created a supportive group of participants willing to support individual journeys of self-discovery.
Barbara Lachman
Certified Teacher of The AlexanderTechnique
Author of "The Journal of Hildegarde of Bingen" and "Hildegarde, The Last Year"Lexington,VA

I have known Kate Rose for over 30 years. We have taught together many times. Kate is a dedicated teacher with a wide range of information to bring to her students. She is an excellent listener and leader with ever evolving skills. I would highly recommend her classes. You will not be disappointed.

Nan McConnahuey
Certified Trager Practitioner & Tutor
Lakewood, CO

Kate Rose’s lessons have impacted my life so much - in a sense that it was my definite start from surviving to thriving.The lessons about dealing with being an Empath, and how to change it from experiencing it as a weakness that left me depleted all of the time, to now even being able to bring it as one of my strongest assets to work with. It took me a long time to get to the level of not feeling the need to hide being an Empath from the view of others anymore. Kate was right there to guide me towards that. She taught me that I had a choice, bring clarity into it and how to execute what choices I wanted to make. It changed my whole paradigm. It was the start of realizing one of the biggest lessons of my life: softness, combined with clarity, is one of the greatest strengths in the world. I’m on a mission to spread that message-the world needs it.

Elisabeth De Charon De Saint Germain
Singer and Transformational Voice Coach
Frederiksoord, The Netherlands

Kate Rose has a remarkably unique talent to help and heal people.Through years of refinement and her natural talents, it is obvious that she could see things about me that most people could not. With an almost other-worldly sense of intuition and empathy she not only provides her gift as a healing tool but also inspires us to think beyond what we thought was possible. As one candle can light many others, anyone who has the opportunity to share time with Kate is blessed and left forever changed.

Ryan P.
School of Yoga
Rishikesh, India

Spending 5 days with Kate was the "jumpstart" to my healing, as well as the reset to my old "mind-body connection"! I spent 30 years in law-enforcement, which really took a toll on my mind, body, and spirit. Kate gently nurtured my thoughts and helped me understand my hyper-vigilance, my need to "protect"! She reaffirmed my strengths while gently reminding me that I had everything inside, heart and soul to heal...I joke with friends and say that this was my "hyperbaric chamber" to healing.

Lori R., LMT,
Retired Police Captain
North Carolina


Nearly 20 years ago I met Kate for the first time, and since then I have taken numerous classes with her in bodywork, heart work and energy work. In her classes I feel safe, allowed to be exactly who I am. She has helped me return to my heart time and again. Ever so gentle and with great humour and imagination she has supported me in growing awareness of the realms of feelings and energy.

I always enjoy her classes very much and her vast knowledge, insight and compassion have enriched my life.
Saskia Roesink
The Netherlands

Looking back over the many experiences I have had in Kate’s “classroom”, there is a consistent element of empowerment-to-expand that remains with me. One of the greatest gifts I have received from her work is fully empowered access to my imagination as a means to tapping my own abilities. I have often found myself saying or doing something that reminds me of the imprint Kate has made on me as a human and as a healing arts practitioner.

Madelana Ferrara

Kate Rose is one in a million. From my first interaction with her, I felt I was in the presence of a woman who was unbelievably intimately connected with herself and with the universe. I was not at the time, and so I knew she had much to teach me. What I didn't know was just how powerful a healer Kate is. When I worked with her, she gave me the experience of physically standing next to all my old, and limiting beliefs; "that I'm a failure, that all projects I start are doomed to fail", all the stories burned into me by my childhood experiences. What Kate did was have me physically and emotionally leave that dis-empowering part of myself behind. 
I've never experienced anything like the transformational work that Kate does, and I can say from experience that anyone who is suffering and desiring a release from that suffering and an experience of their fullest, most joyful life would do themselves and the planet a great service to allow themselves the gift of Kate's healing work. You and your life will never be the same again. It is so much more beautiful and abundant than you could possibly imagine it.
Call or email her now. Do not waste another single day living outside of your power when you could be standing in the center of it." 
 Anastasia F.,  NYC 

Thank you for helping me discover a new way to approach and actually rest inside my heart and let-go of blocks built around my eyes and vision. Making this new connection feels great! Like seeing with my heart first.
  As the course unfolded I felt a wholeness develop , as seeming "parts" of my life healed through meaningful insights. They blended into my personal mandala of experience. Circling a waiting and restful heart. Thank you for this precious healing experience and your generous heart. 
J.W., Ithaca, NY, USA

I have learned so much from you these past few years!
The heart breathing, the possibility to choose my feelings and the awareness of the choices I have. To decide for myself and to look at challenging life situations: Does it affect me or is this building me up?
Your wisdom and unwavering faith in the human potential, and in me, is something that has helped me deepen my commitment to really start living and stop hiding out of fear.
I think that my final decision to dive into the fullness of life and all the beautiful possibilities life has to offer came after our deep diving 7 weeks work together in 2013.
So, your work makes beautiful ripples that is spreading it's light far and away!
Elisabeth De Charon De Saint Germain
Frederiksoord, The Netherlands

The thing that struck me right away is how incredibly potent and refined your spirituality is. You make me feel so supported, encouraged and capable, especially in regard to my yoga teaching and leading the Dances of Universal Peace.
Your gracious, loving appreciation for what I brought to class and/or to the circle was a true gift. Your intuitive understanding of how to offer guidance and suggestions to different people in ways that those individuals can hear and embrace is uncanny; a real blessing.  Thank you, thank you for gracing my life. "  
Capetown, South Africa
My work with Kate was revelatory about my body, my pain and how to handle it all. I was also a volunteer for a teaching session. She is great teacher! 
Christine G., Hudson Valley, NY

Somewhere along my youth I lost my freedom of being; during my private healing retreat with Kate, she guided me back to that Feeling. Nothing seemed to "happen", but everything changed. 
Frank Boers
The Netherlands

If you are wondering about whether you should take a session or class with Kate Rose, I would like to encourage you to DO IT! I have done a lot of work with Kate at this point, some in groups, some solo, some as a Trager® Practitioner, some as an Empath. I have always walked away better, more clear, happier, more settled, .... in some way improved. Here is one of the stories that I can share about one of the experiences I had with Kate:  Go to my YouTube channel (Madelana) and see more interviews I did with Kate. She is doing very deep work, but she makes it accessible. You are sure to gain in some important way.
  Madelana Ferrara, MadMat Salon, New Jersey

My experience is that Kate Rose tunes into people with insight and compassion, guiding us to find our way home to a place of healing and empowerment.
Isabel R., Ithaca, NY

"Kate Rose is a deeply gifted Empath and Healer. She is wise, compassionate, and she has a great sense of humor. I have received great benefits from working with her throughout many years."
Tessa F., Ithaca, NY

I feel very blessed to have had these 7 weeks with Kate Rose. She is a masterful teacher, full of joy and humor, who has helped me to open my heart that little bit more. This helps me to soften in my relationship with myself, and others. Kate made clear to me what my (our) true purpose here, in this life, is. To connect. By opening my own heart I help others to open theirs. Power with the Heart, that is Evolution. That is what can heal this world.
Power with Heart! Thank you, Kate."  
L v L., The Netherlands

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