
The Heart of Our Matter- NCBTMB Approved Provider Zoom Class 24 CEU's




24 CEU’s

Zoom Class

Functional Empathy Somatics™

"The Heart of the Matter "

Dates: March 13th & 20th

March 27th & April 3 

April 10th & April 17th

The Class is presented on Zoom in six 4 hour Segments

Class Fee: $475.00


 A comprehensive  NCBTMB APPROVED PROVIDER training with Kate Rose, TragerWork Master Teacher & creator of Functional Empathy Somatics. This training will add to your already invaluable skills as you learn to combine the tools used in Massage Therapy & all methods of Integrative Bodywork with all the elements of Tragerwork, refining all your skills and adding to the effectiveness of your work.
Discover "The Heart of the Matter" an exploration and training in Integrative Bodywork Modalities, Somatic Intelligence and Functional Empathy. Join us as we delve into contacting the multiple levels of the nervous system, the muscle systems,  as we learn about cellular memory and how it effects various pathologies. Increase your understanding and experience of how touch passes through the surface of the body and rewires and reprograms the tissue and the brain. Learn the structure of Functional Empathy which supports the integration of the 3 Levels of Empathy, using the action of Emotional Intelligence with the Kinesthetics of Bodywork.



For Information  & Registration Contact:

Kate Rose
