
Healing Horses with Kate Rose

 Kate Rose offered to “lay her hands” on my Off the Track Thoroughbred (OTTB) mare named Ziva. I am open minded to alternative treatments and therapies, but what transpired blew my mind wide open!
Ziva came to me with some left over issues from her time at the track, both real physical issues and, also real, emotional anxiety.
She was a sprinter, running and winning at distances of or less than 6 furlongs.
This short distance requires the horse to leap out of the starting gate to gain a competitive edge. Because of this Ziva carried a lot of tension in her SI joint and pelvis. She also would flip out if I asked her to halt while riding, I began to associate the command “ whoa” with heightened anxiety on her part. She would run backwards, half rear, chew on the bit, toss her head...all behaviors I did not enjoy and actually were frightening. Although she is sound she was reluctant to pick up her right lead.
Kate got in touch with me and offered to work on Ziva. I told her nothing about my mare. Kate calmly went into the stall and introduced herself to Ziva. She slowly ran her hands over her body, starting at her head and working her along her barrel to her butt. At this point Kate looks at me and says, “ Oh, this sweet girl has so much tension in her pelvis. Her groin and SI is all bound up and twisted. “
Kate then worked on Ziva to encourage her to let go of the soreness and tightness and “find” the length in her spine again and the suppleness throughout her hip.
At the end of the session ( and I kick myself daily for not having video taped this), Ziva stepped her front hooves forward slowly, step by step, until she was able to drop her barrel down , almost putting her girth area in the shavings and lifted her hips up into a downward dog that would make any yogi proud! She relished in this stretch and then slowly stood back up and came right over and nuzzled Kate and then pulled her into a horsey hug. I know I wish I had it all on video!
Kate has worked on a Ziva twice and she now not only halts quietly when I ask,  but she is proud of her halt that we often just stop and have a look around or a nibble of grass while trail riding. Because of Kate I now have a lovely riding horse. Before Kate I am not sure I would have been able to get to a place where I felt comfortable riding my OTTB.
She has also worked on several other horses on my farm and every time she literally works magic. What she does is so simple yet gets profound results. I am so happy I have a true horse communicator and healer as part of my team. The best part is that unlike a visit from the Veterinarian, the horses absolutely love and look forward to a visit from Kate Rose.

Rosanna McMillan
White Rock Manor
Lexington, VA