Flower Essence Remedies are Vibrational Medicines that support, balances and heal our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. Flower Essence Remedies give us the opportunity to connect with Mother Nature and She with us instantaneously. They hold the vibrational resonance frequencies of the power of healing in Nature, with Nature, in a bottle. You could describe them as Bottled Light. They access qualities of our consciousness on multiple levels. They are not habit-forming in the same way drugs are and tend to be self-regulating. In other words, one takes them and as that part of us that needs support and healing is stimulated through the essence, the need for it ends of its own accord.
Addressing the concern of dependency, I offer this: if you are going to depend, so to speak on something, depending on something that raises your vibration is a good choice. Like Gratitude. Can you say you are dependent on Gratitude? And if you are, is that harmful? No, because it raises the consciousness, stimulates the heart and soul, and moves us out of our analytical mind and into Spirit.
These are subtle, vibrational tools. I have found the best way to use them is to give them and allow the person themselves to notice what is happening.
If you can - imagine it this way. There is darkness or blockage inside us in the form of pain or fear or resistance, etc., etc. The Flower Essence Remedy is a drop of light that calls to all the other drops of light that are in us. When you take one, the light is dropped into you and begins to spread helping to dispel the darkness and fear. It brings balance. It is your own light responding to a drop of light from nature.
The RoseAngelis™ Remedies are magnificent gifts from Mother Nature, Gaia, the Angels, and Devas. I am awed by their power and effectiveness. It is a joy to offer them to the world for the healing of all.
~How to take Flower Essence Remedies~
This RoseAngelis™ Remedy contains 1/2 oz. of the undiluted Flower Essence. Suggested dosage:Take 3 drops in a glass of Spring Water 3 x a day. Of course you can simply follow your own intuition and increase or decrease the dosage.

A remedy for Highly Sensitive People - "The Empath's Remedy"
Birdsfoot Trefoil says: “I can bring balance to your body”
Clears false illusions about body image
Connects heart and throat chakras, For Anorexia & Bulimia
The Physical and Emotional Effects:
Subtle, gentle and soothing, Birdsfoot Trefoil Remedy addresses issues that carry strong emotions in a gentle way that cradles and soothes the emotion while supporting the balance in healing it.
For those who feel they are carrying around “the weight of the world”, translated into extra body weight or into extreme lack of body weight.
Birdsfoot Trefoil soaks up and clears negative body image. For those who have never felt comfortable in their body for whatever reason, have been called hypersensitive, outsiders, for people who have always been different, and have been judged or criticized for that difference.
It can connect one with the “grief of embodiment.
This remedy supports the clearing of old, held kinesthetic memories, it affects and helps balance the memories of childhood physical trauma, lighting it up and then clearing it.
One can experience a lifting of veils in the mind and feel the body as beautiful and wondrous. It is like looking in the mirror and no matter which way you look you perceive your beauty.
The signature of this essence is its gentleness.

COSMOS/Cosmos bipinnatus
What I see & Feel testing the essence: First I see the flower blossom in my mind's eye, then I see it overlayed on each chakra. Balances the chakras by getting them moving in the same direction .
“Love with a golden heart”
Immediate access to a higher consciousness. Uplifts focus and awareness.
Huge expansion, felt mostly from 4th Chakra and up
3 and down are all quiet
Joy! Joy! Joy !
Moving from emotional heart to spiritual heart
Heart and 3rd eye
The power of vision and compassion, combined, steadiness
Stimulates the 3rd eye
It almost “demands” expansion
One can feel one's limits or edges
Clarity in speech, simple, direct. The feeling of clear communication. How to be succinct.
Knowing the value of one's voice.
Addresses control issues. Clarifies the feeling and nature of control, as it offers expansion it also meets the limits and the limits are felt more strongly. Can bring objective awareness to one's limits/limiting beliefs; the self imposed limits few create for a variety of reasons. This essence brings them to light to enable choice.
Challenges the ego. Cosmic Consciousness /Cosmos Consciousness. Wide awareness.
Very strong feeling in the heart.
As if the 3rd eye lets one see/ perceive the issues that confine/restrict/control one's expansion
The ego can feel “attacked” ( those moments in life of gnosis, when we know with something deeper that although we might feel exposed, it is our deeper self calling to us.
The feeling in the heart is of comfort and softness. While exposing or lighting up the limits of one's ego identification, it comforts one and softens the message.
Where we perceive from utterly affects our experience/reality.
Perceiving the “root””perspective/ belief

Pliny believed that hawks fed on it to strengthen their eyesight.

Golden Yarrow helps support balanced giving, inner equilibrium and the replenishment that naturally occurs in a system with intact boundaries that is continually recycling its energy and life force(Prana).
When taken with White Yarrow and Pink Yarrow Remedies one has “The Ultimate Protection Remedy.”

For the body it has to do with shooting golden light ( Soma). It raises consciousness, and is like clear kundalini. It enhances perception of the body as an energetic vessel or container. And as an energetic container one can perceive the effects of Golden Light in and throughout the system.
To feel this quality of being or is-ness and nothing else is a deeply peaceful experience.Golden Light, Joy, Bursts of Golden Energy“ I am a harbor of the sun”, I am the Power of Golden Light.

" The Combination Essences"