
KateRoseHealing Zoom Classes March -April 2022


KateRoseHealingtm Zoom Classes


March & April 2022 

 East Coast Schedule: 

Linking the Power of Your Heart & the Brilliance of Your Mind

Friday, March 25th, 2022

In our world, emphasis is primarily on the use of the mind to discover, through reason and logic the answers to the questions of our lives. While the development, use and discipline of the mind is a primary element of our process of self-knowledge, the Heart may be accessed in such a way that it magnifies our intelligence, intuition and imagination and the deepest connection to the core of our existence. Your Heart holds answers. It is waiting only for the question. In this class you will learn to access your personal pathway into your Heart, expanding the depth and understanding of  how Heart-Centered being supports our healing, self-empowerment, understanding, balance and harmony, developing the Empathy required for
Peace on our Planet.


Communicating & Working with the Angels, Devas, Nature Intelligences

 Friday April 8th, 2022

Yes, they are real. Kate will share her many experiences of working with these exquisite and powerful beings. Your opportunity to connect with Nature to heal yourself and the Earth. 


  Empathy - The Missing Piece, The Secret Ingredient
Discover your Inner Empath 

Friday, April 15th, 2022 

Kate will introduce you to your inner Empath and teach you how to identify what is yours and what is "other's". You will learn how to clear absorbed energies, emotions & more.


Class Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EST

Cost: $30.00 per class

For Registration & Tickets:

You will receive your Zoom link after confirmed Registration & Payment

YouTube Videos

KateRoseHealing Questions for An Empath Pt.1

KateRoseHealing Questions for an Empath Pt. 2​

"ImagineHealingtm" Interview with Kate Rose


Healing Frequencies & Cellular Resonance - Elements of Vibrational Medicine

All life vibrates. If it is alive, the molecules are moving and possess a unique rhythm. Everything has a Resonance Frequency. These frequencies can be accessed, tuned, toned, changed, re-calibrated. When we have a disease, and ailment, an injury, a condition, a belief, a pattern, it has its own resonance and in order to have it live in us we must resonate at the same frequency, vibrate at the same rhythm as that particular condition. We can locate each resonance in the people we are working with and bring these frequencies into balance.

By changing, adjusting, refining & calibrating our own frequency to the frequencies of balance health, light, love, expansion, we can access new ways of healing ourselves, our clients, our loved ones, the planet.


Empathic Healing - Kate can perceive, identify, translate, effect change and activate all feelings that need to be healed on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. She opens the doorway to empowered choice, teaching simple and gentle ways to heal the patterns and traumas that weigh you down, realigning your system and consciousness with your innate ability to heal and regenerate. Kate reconnects you with your health, creativity, power and imagination.