
Resonance Frequencies:" The Octaves of Healing"

Resonance Frequencies: The Octaves of Healing”

Kate Rose

All life vibrates. If it is alive, the molecules are moving and possess a unique rhythm. Everything has a Resonance Frequency. These frequencies can be accessed, tuned, toned, changed, re-calibrated. When we have a disease, and ailment, an injury, a condition, a belief, a pattern, it has its own resonance and in order to have it live in us we must resonate at the same frequency, vibrate at the same rhythm as that particular condition. We can locate each resonance in the people we are working with and bring these frequencies into balance.

By changing, adjusting, refining & calibrating our own frequency to the frequencies of balance health, light, love, expansion, we can access new ways of healing ourselves, our clients, our loved ones, the planet.

We can heal ourselves & each other, we can heal the Planet.
Please join me.

"The moment of healing resides in the space between linear time and the present moment . It is here that  the past, present & future meet. Before they meet, there is undifferentiated space. In that space lives unlimited possibility, where realities are not shaped yet, but are only potentialities; possibilities that have not been completely formed or “mattered”, and are not yet static. It is the place where imagination becomes reality.”         Kate Rose 

Take a journey with Kate Rose into the The Magic and Miracles of Healing

Zoom Healing Classes with Kate Rose
Empathy Essentials
Functional Empathy Somatics

"Fluid Embodiment"

The Fluid Mind™ Technique of Integrated Bodywork

Vibrational Healing
The Inner Sound”

Flower Essences & The Call of Mother Earth

The Somandala™ Method

A New Transformational Psychology

Beyond the 7th Chakra

"Oneness & The Divine Connection in Healing"

Advanced Energy Healing

"Cellular Consciousness"

Gratitude & Grace
The Principles of Spiritual Life

60 minutes $125.00
90 minutes  $175.00 
2 hour Empathic Reading & Healing $225.00


With her extraordinary gift as a full Empath, Kate will give you a Personal Empathic Reading identifying the core issues that need balancing, clearing, and healing. 
Kate can perceive, identify, translate, effect change and activate all feelings that need to be healed on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic. She opens the doorway to empowered choice, teaching simple and gentle ways to heal the patterns and traumas that weigh you down, realigning your system and consciousness with your innate ability to heal and regenerate. Kate reconnects you with your health, creativity, power and imagination.
Kate Rose is a Holistic Empath, a Fully Empathic Intuitive Healer, an Equine Empath, Flower Essence Practitioner & a Tragerwork Master Teacher. She is the  creator of Functional Empathytm, The Somandalatm Process, ImagineHealingtm and the RoseAngelistm Quantum Flower Essence Remedies. She has practiced and taught  Holistic Healing for over 35 years in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East. Her work includes healing humans, horses and the earth. She has combined her 25 years as a classical ballerina and her 35+ years of international teaching & healing into a simple, refined, powerfully effective method. With her understanding and knowledge of the human body, emotions and energy systems, anatomy, the nervous system, the long term effects of trauma and repetitive stress combined with her unique and highly developed ability to feel and understand feeling, she skillfully communicates directly and clearly affecting change, creating empowerment and profound healing. 

 For Appointments on Skype, Zoom or by Phone: 




Choosing Love Over Fear

On February 10th, just 8 weeks ago, my beautiful sister in law Suzanne Sheridan Gordon, died after a 2 year battle with brain cancer. The evening after her funeral I had the extraordinary experience of spending that evening on my brother's patio in Florida, talking for hours with the my niece Emily and nephew Andrew's friends, who were there in force, carrying their Mother's casket and being so full of love that shone so brightly through their grief. These young men and women, all in their 20's were sharing the grief of their friend, and the inconceivable loss of a Mother at such an early age.

 We talked for hours, and I felt so honored to be with them. In our conversation, in answer to a question posed, I said the conclusion I have come to, about everything in life, is that there is always one choice.

Love or Fear.

They spoke about the fear in their lives, about the state of the world they are inheriting, about relationships, about being enveloped by fear. How do we find it, they asked, how do we find the love in the midst of feeling and being enveloped in our own fear?

I knew that there was only one way to bring the reality of the feeling of love into the foreground. It was their own love, that we were sitting together in and yet not feeling consciously. And I said that to them. You are here, in love and for love. You are friends in love and for love, and that love is stronger than anything else.

And in that moment we all fell in love with each other. Sitting in the midst of totally heart rending grief, we sat in love. 

This resonance, this living frequency, this vibration, can both be felt and heard. We are living in a world made up of energy. Atoms, molecules, quarks, etc. Everything is vibrating at its own frequency. Whichever one we are vibrating with is what echoes not only through our entire nervous system, but through our minds, our brains, and our lives.

I have noticed that as we move through life, we are constantly presented with opportunities moment by moment, day by day, to choose love instead of fear. Not that it is easy, but if one begins to make the conscious choice, the pathways in our nervous system, the neurotransmitters, all those neuro-peptides flying through us, our hearts and minds, all the elements of our being, become aligned with love and the choice becomes easier, until it is our habit and our superpower.

I am not talking of Valentine's day, hearts and flowers, etc., etc. I am talking about the unlimited power of Love, that somehow by its very nature and being can envelop fear and dissolve it. And it does.

It seems this aspect of life presents itself most often when change arises. A new situation, a new possibility, a dream, a hope is manifested or manifesting and it offers evolution on multiple levels. We ask for growth and expansion and then when it appears, we feel our reality go beyond our control into the next unknown. We feel, or perceive on some deep level that this may mean, and most probably means change, big change. Which means that our present status quo, our life as we know it, can quickly become filled with unknowns, rather than knowns that we have created and are seemingly in control of. It asks us, it demands of us that we get bigger. 

It is at this moment that fear makes itself known. And it is in this moment we make a choice.

We will hear all the reasons that we cannot go forward, all the impossibilities, all the no's.

People in our lives will, especially those who will be affected by the change, begin to fight back with formidable resistance, because I have noticed, (as one notices a ton of bricks falling on one's head), that most people are very frightened of change because it denotes instability, and this both creates and feeds fear.

Actually, we all know the feeling and the difference. When we choose love, we expand. We get excited, we see infinite possibilities. Creativity is ignited, imagination is empowered. Synchronicities appear constantly. One realizes that coincidence doesn't exist. It is riding the big wave. Taking the big jump. Skiing the huge mountain. Jumping out of the plane. It is huge. It cannot be controlled. One must commit to being receptive, to allowing the infinite to become a friend and ally.
It is joyful, exciting, filled with inspiration. It heals everyone and everything.

Or, we choose fear. It is more familiar, it may feel safer in a strange way. But it contracts us on every level. Mind, body, spirit, heart. It makes us smaller, it stops movement. Being frozen in fear. It chokes inspiration. Ideas cannot live in it. Possibilities become impossibilities. It makes us sad, and lonely. A certain song goes out of the Universe. We let our dreams wither and die for lack.

Some part of us always knows. And grieves.

There is always a choice.  I choose Love. Every moment. I choose Love. No matter what this crazy world looks like. I choose Love. No matter how many times someone says "You can't do that.", I choose Love. No matter the obstacles, the sabotage, the loud voices that are feeding fear. I choose Love.

It is as simple as saying that. Each day. 

"I choose Love."

Say it. Feel it. Choose it.

Because, really. 

You are it.

We all are.

I Choose Love.