
KateRoseHealingHorses - Kate and a Healed Tigger at White Rock Manor Farm

Yesterday at White Rock Manor Farm in Lexington, VA., with the amazing Rose McMillan. She and her husband have together  created the most incredible heaven for horses to retire to. If you want to see a heaven on earth or have a horse that is ready to retire, this is hands down, absolutely the most exquisite place they could ever be.

 I have worked with several of the horses there, and love them all, but this one in my special beloved....and the feeling is mutual!

 This is Tigger and I yesterday. ( pronounced Tiger). When I met him a few months ago, he wouldn't come near anyone, was rather depressed and nervous, just pulled deeply into himself and scared. 
 We had an instant connection that very day. He came right to me and now when I see him this is what happens. He wouldn't even let me get out of the golf amore!